Wednesday, October 3, 2007

today i spend forever making a dinner. then everyone is late. some people 20 minutes and one person was an hour late and dave thinks he only showed up after he yelled at him and said his plate was still out. i ran out of pasta.

dinner took me a solid 1.5 hours to prepare. i even cut the vegetables last night. dave did prep almost the entire time too.

it's not worth it. i get thanked but everyone is late. the last 2 times people were late and i have to call and call to try to see waht's up. i'm not inviting anyone over until i get invited there for dinner first.


  1. russsss (LiveJournal)October 4, 2007 at 3:15 PM

    I despise those who are not punctual. It's a very popular thing to be late for a scheduled event, for some reason.

    I always leave plenty of time to arrive on time, and if I have never been to the place, I always give extra time (getting lost, heavy traffic, etc).

    Felicia and I were way early when we came over for lunch that one time. Probably like a half hour early. I gave myself too much time to drive over. I like to keep it at 10 minutes early, if I plan correctly. Very few exceptions (such as an all day event, where there isn't technically a time to be there, but a time range, 5pm - 10pm).

  2. smilincolleen (LiveJournal)October 4, 2007 at 3:17 PM

    it's better to be early. you can always wait outside if you t ink the person is still getting ready and really doesn't want people there early. but late. can't correct that.

  3. anonymous (LiveJournal)October 4, 2007 at 3:36 PM

    I feel these people are rude. How would they like it if they invited people for dinner and most were late? I don't think they'd like it very well. Especially if the food they prepared needed to be served at a certain time. Hope you get invited to their place for dinner, soon.
