Thursday, October 25, 2012


(I wrote this almost a month ago but it was sitting in my draft posts.)
The day started off on a better note than any have in a long time.  I woke up at 7:30 AM when Dave was getting ready for work.  I used my laptop in bed for about an hour.   I watched some TV.  If it was like any normal day I would have watched TV all day but I didn't. I also finally read some emails and replied to some.

I went for a run near noon.

I made some collages. I blogged a bit. I read some blogs. I cropped some daily pictures.  I did all these things that I haven't done in ages.  These are all normal everyday things but I haven't done them in ages.

I cleaned up some boxes on the office floor that haven't been cleaned up since we moved in.  I vacuumed the floor.
I had to play with Poly a lot. She was super annoying.

I'm surprised how normal the day was. I started watching Heartland. There are a few seasons of it so maybe I won't finish it in a day like the last series I watched. {I took over a week to watch all 5 seasons.}

I did a lot of little things that take a minute or two to do but I haven't been doing them (like getting the mail, putting pizza boxes in the dumpster, etc)

Dave and I went to Five Guys for dinner. I told him he'd be proud of what all I did throughout the day. I then went on to tell him I only watched 6.5 episodes of TV. He was impressed by that.
I downloaded picstitch for my iphone and tried it out. I didn't play too much because I don't have that many pictures on my iPhone. Do you have any apps dealing with pictures? What are your favorites?


  1. I got PicsArt on my phone. Fun easy to use but limited.

    1. So do you like PicsArt? Is there a reason that's the app you chose?

  2. I like it. After reading the reviews before I loaded it, to me that was the one that just sounded the best for free.
