We started out way too fast. I didn't feel as dead as I expected. It was my longest run in over 1.5 months. I thought 4 miles was a good goal but Hilary has been running a lot further so when she asked me how far I wanted to run I said 4-5 miles. She thought that meant I wanted to run 5 miles. We ran 2.5 miles out and turned around.
After 3.75 miles we walked for .25. Then we ran for .5, walked for .25 then ran the last bit. I kept my timer running the entire way. We walked because Hilary's allergies were bothering her but I didn't mind. I thought I might die if we ran the entire thing.
I'm surprised our pace was so good considering the walking. I was trying to explain the Galloway method to Hilary. I told her we are going to try it out for a long run. Walking before you are dead is really helpful and you can go much further. Every time I'm way out of shape, I use the method for my first pretty long run and it helps build my confidence. I am in need of that right now.
Today would have been the 5k or 10k that I wanted to run. Based on past years I would have placed in my age group and if I didn't become a slacker since the beginning of September, I might have even placed overall for females. Ugh. Maybe next time I'll do it.
I liked the trail because it was in the shade about half the time. I didn't like some of the overpasses because of my fear of heights. This one bridge was even wood and you could feel the give in all the boards. I did not like that.
Super job with the run after the lay off.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I have been running but barely but have been slacking at blogging about it.
Deletejust wonering an hoping if you sold your used pantyhose,would pay good prices xxxx