Recently Ella stays awake longer and longer. She likes to play with her toys now. We sit at her piano often throughout the day.

She likes the bouncer too. I was able to do laundry while she had fun in the bouncer. I folded laundry with her in the crib.
She was causing some trouble in that she didn't want to eat like ever. She'd barely eat throughout the day.
Dave gave her a bottle and got her to sleep tonight. I was going to let her nurse after but she stayed asleep. She didn't eat all that much and she cried a lot but with Dave's comforting she went to sleep. I decided we should start having Dave do this more and more so if by chance I'm not here then she will be able to go to sleep. I'm still throwing out a lot of milk because with each bottle she tries she never finishes them. We keep trying and she's drinking a little more each time but still doesn't finish them. I think tonight she drank an ounce out of the bottle and that's the most she's had yet form a bottle. (She ended up sleeping 10 hours.)
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