Saturday, June 6, 2015


Ella slept in later than I ever remember. She slept all the way until 8:30.

I hosted onesie/t-shirt painting so she was kept busy. She had fun playing with friends.

She napped 2 hours and 45 minutes!    She was so good then after.

We had a good night and good day. I would have gotten more shirts painting but I was helping host and when people weren't here I paid attention to Ella so she was neglected all day!  I did 12 shirts/onesies.

I did 2 onesies late at night using sharpies and rubbing alcohol but the rest were painted earlier.   I stayed up far too late. I was just too wired and kept wanting to do more.

I pumped during Ella's nap so that she wouldn't nurse after nap. She enjoyed the bottle. First bottle ever that she enjoyed.