Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Hospital (6.12.21)

Saturday night I was in severe pain. It just kept getting worse so I went to the ER near 10 PM.  They did some tests and said I had gall stones and needed to have my gallbladder removed.  I was given Morphine and it didn't help at all. Then I was given Dilaudid that was wonderful and helped. But then it also made me wide awake. Since I was without pain (after getting medicine) they said I could go home and schedule the surgery. 
The ER staff all seemed to recommend just getting it over with.   The medicine hadn't even worn off so I figured I might as well get it over with. 

Surgery was at 3 PM. I had a laparoscopic Cholecystectomy.

I was out at 3:57 and into recovery.  Then I was in recovery for a little over an hour. 

The doctor said I would go home Sunday night during my surgery. He didn't actually see me after. The nurses said I had to be able to walk around, get up without getting lightheaded, go to the bathroom, and I forget the 4th thing now. 

I got home around 8PM and proceeded to overdo it. My incisions bled. I stained my shirt.  I didn't even change out of that bloody shirt for 2 days. 

Monday morning I helped Dave pack school lunches. Then I had to rest.   The Norco didn't seem to work but I kept trying to tough it out. 
Monday night I could not fall asleep. I was up past 1. The pain just was too hard to sleep through.  I slept about 4 hours. Shortly after Liam woke up. Things didn't go well with that. I ended up trying to change his dirty diaper. He didn't want me to and that was so difficult that I ended up getting all clammy. I thought I was going to pass out. I saw myself in the mirror and I was as white as a ghost. 

I had to wait for the doctors office to open. I said the medicine didn't work but they just gave me a little stronger version.  That took until 10:20 just because it was hard to get in touch with him. It was the same medicine. I knew it wouldn't help. it didn't. 

They wanted me to get blood work as soon as possible. After about a half hour of just trying to get out of bed, I called back saying I did not think I could get there.  At first the nurse assumed it was because nobody was home to take me. I said no i just don't think i can walk all the way to the car. 

She said the doctor wanted to see me but he was leaving to go to the hospital so either I had to get there in 10 minutes or go at 1 PM. 

I got blood work done first. It was put with a rush so they took me in front of the other 20 or so people who were waiting. Then I had about 40 minutes to wait for the doctor.  He didn't think anything was wrong and maybe just tough it out. But he wanted to get all the blood work back.

The first results were all good. About 10 min after leaving the doctor's office more results were posted and he called Dave immediately telling me to go to the hospital.  Then he corrected himself to wait to hear back so then I wouldn't have to go to the ER and could check in at registration.  He was guessing that maybe I had gall stones in my main vile duct.

We got to the hospital but Ella wasn't allowed in so then I just had to wait for people to push me in my wheel chair.  I got Ella's friend to come get her then Dave got to come up with me.  

At the hospital, I got a CT. It was supposed to be a rush order but it took until 5 pm.   Apparently I have a lot of fluid in my abdomen and need a surgery tonight. Then tomorrow I'll have a different procedure done.

I feel like I could be a lot more detailed. I didn't even consult texts to people to remind myself of times but this is good enough for now.  My surgery is at 9:30 PM.

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