Wednesday, February 14, 2007


i've realized that every time i watch veronica mars it impacts my sleep that night. the last few times i've watched veronica mars then at night when i want to fall asleep all i think about is the show. i keep thinking about the show and how i feel bad for logan. then i'm up too late. it's no good. i need liek 10 episodes in a row to get it overwith but alas i only have 1 a week and i keep going through this lack of sleep.


  1. elcaminogirl (LiveJournal)February 15, 2007 at 1:09 AM

    Logan's life must really suck for you to feel bad about him every week.

  2. smilincolleen (LiveJournal)February 15, 2007 at 10:38 AM

    i thought i replied to this oh well i'll guess what i said. i don't know if i feel bad for him or just really want to know what will happy next. but i do feel bad. veronica deleted his voice message episodes ago w/o listening to it and she never did learn what it said.
