Monday, January 14, 2013

January Workout Goals - Halfway (Almost)

Here's my progress so far for my January workout goals. I figured I'd share since I'm doing so well. I'll have all the details in the post at the end of the month. This is up to halfway through the 14th of the month.
  1. Complete 16 cardio workouts = 17
  2. Complete 13 core workouts  = 8
  3. Frequency: Run 12 times = 10
  4. Distance: Run 60 total miles (Reach Goal of 70 miles) = 29.88 
  5. Workout with Dave 5 times. = 8
  6. Lift weights 10 times. = 6 
  7. Exercise 5 times that aren't considered cardio above (mainly thinking about walks here that don't fit in anywhere) = 9
  8. Have 3 double workout days (morning + evening, lunch + evening, etc) = 10
  9. Stretch for 10 consecutive minutes 2 times  = 1
  10. Do foam roller exercises 3 times = 3
  11. Do yoga 1 time = 0
  12. Bike 5 Times = 7
  13. Attend Body Pump 3 times = 1
I have a few other goals that are related to exercise but aren't me working out.
  1. Have a photo shoot to get some athletic pictures for at the top of this post. = 1
  2. No more than 12 rest days all month (stretching or doing foam roller exercises means it is not a rest day)  = 2
  3. No more than 3 consecutive rest days. = Happened 0 times
I'm potentially on track for all of them since yoga is only for 1 time the entire month and Body Pump is something I go to on Tuesdays and am going on January 15. All the goals in bold are ones I already met. If they are green, it means I'm on track to meet the goal.  Pretty crazy huh? Getting a bike really helped out with double workout days and cardio workouts plus helped out on the new goal of biking 5 times. Is your January starting off as well as you hoped?


    1. Great Job there.
      My January started off good. Had my fastest 2 miler ever (my fast is your slow) and got a job offer.

      1. Yay on the job offer and your month starting out well.
