Wednesday, November 13, 2013

11.6 Sick

So when I was sick last week I had to get dressed to go to the doctors. Here's what happened to my daily pictures. Looks like a lot of fun doesn't it.


  1. In a few of them you really did look sick. Hope all is better now.

    1. I wanted to say I was 100% better but I wasn't. Then when I flew being a little sick helped screw up my ear so my ear is still messed up so I'm still not better. I have some medicines and am told it'll take 2-3 weeks to drain the fluid behind my ear drum or it won't drain and then I'll have to see a specialist.

  2. I thought you were going to throw up and then I realized that's a sneeze. I assume you didn't use any of these for your daily picture, though...?

    1. Some I used. Maybe the middle in the top row.
      Also I think I was coughing. Usually I cover up but since I was outside I just braced my belly instead of brace belly + cover mouth.
