Sunday, July 6, 2014


I played with the burst feature on my camera. It takes about 8 in a row but with weird settings. Well I think it takes 2 then saves them multiple ways. Then I made a collage out of them because I was playing with trying to get google to autobackup collages I make.
I gave Ella a bath. She wants to drink out of the bowl I use to wash her hair.
Ella was playing on her play mat then tipped it over.
 A closer view. She likes it.
Ella likes her bouncer. I never put batteries in it so she doesn't get music though.
For the most part, Ella loves to eat.


  1. Do you still use the floor mat with the piano/keyboard on the end?

    1. Yes. That is in the office. She mostly sits at it and plays that way. Sits trying to play with the toys that hang. If I put her down to kick the piano she is rolling and rotating after a second.

  2. Parker still tries to drink his bath water. It's yucky. We tell him no, but he thinks it's hilarious. Probably because we told him not to.

    1. I tell her not to too. She also sucks water off the wash cloth.
