If you want to get your first Groovebook free, use my code. I'm pretty sure I don't get anything if you use my code. It doesn't even tell me if you use it. If you use the code you have to print 2 books in the first month. I don't have a problem with taking enough pictures but I know many people would.
The books aren't even consistently shaped. They are cheaply made. But for 2.99 they are cheap.
If you have a picture from a camera that you downloaded it has a different aspect ratio so they print white edges to make sure they don't crop your picture. Some of my books have more of those pictures than others.
It's hard to tell but the quality isn't that good on the pictures. Most of them look grainy. There are many warnings that if you take pictures elsewhere and save them to your phone the quality will be worse but the quality in those ends up being better. Some do happen to be clear. I go through all my pictures before uploading and get rid of the blurry ones so I know I'm not picking the bad cell phone pictures. It comes out to 3 cents a picture so I guess that's why they are grainy. I'm such a slacker at printing pictures that I still find this to be worth it even though the quality isn't that good. I never take pictures with a flash so maybe they would be better quality with a flash but it's not worth using a flash to test it out.
Since I rarely print pictures, I like having something in paper copy. I believe you can send Groovebooks to other people too. I just haven't done that.
I really wish they had an interface for a computer too. Maybe I wouldn't use it. I wish I had the ability to do both though. Pictures with a real camera are always nicer than my phone pictures.
Notice at the binding there is a perforation for each picture so you can easily tear a picture out and there is a date posted. This is the date and time the picture was taken or the date and time a picture was saved to your phone.
Poly was photo bombing all my pictures.This is not sponsored in anyway. I just typed it up since I use it.
How do you get pictures printed? Do you stay on top of getting pictures printed in a reasonable time frame?
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