Friday, December 28, 2012

Clothing Prices and Details

Recently I have been entering all my clothes and accessories into a database. I had over 200 items already in an excel file with dates and prices. I had more on my blog with details. The rest I took educated guesses based on my memory and when I first wore it. I remembered pretty good so I also trusted my price memory. Granted if I was going by memory, I rounded to the nearest $5 and also I chose the first of the month instead of guessing somewhere in the middle.
I made this table of the 15 most expensive things I have entered so far.  I have 562 articles entered so far and I'm going backwards and double checking. I'm all the way back to August 2009. There will be more articles to add as I go along but this is how it is right now.  If you notice out of the 15 most expensive things all but 2 are a type of shoe. I'm not sure why I entered Boots separate than shoes but I did. My athletic shoes clutter up this page too which is why I picked the top 15 not top 10.
Since footwear hogged up the top 15 list, I made a list of the most expensive things based on the type.  I don't know if this shows that I don't buy expensive things or if it shows anything.  A few notes, the earrings were full price and then I got Lia Sophia jewelry at half price and the earrings were the cheapest thing so then they are what was full price.  I have multiple pairs of tights that were $10. I had a few bracelets that were $10 also. I only entered a few purses in. I only entered what I had on receipts, in my excel file, or in a daily picture but most daily pictures don't include a purse. I bought that pair of sunglasses when I moved to California and before that my most expensive pair was $10. I did find a pair when I moved that when I looked them up it seemed like they cost $200 but I have not entered those.   If I got something as a gift, I entered it as $0.

How would you imagine your pricing being? Do you spend more on shoes like I do? Do you keep track of your purchases?

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