Tuesday, December 11, 2012

11.23: Afghan Complete

We discovered Poly sleeping on top of Dave's clothes on the dresser in the morning.  I guess we didn't leave her enough room in the bed.

I made grilled turkey and cheese for lunch. I use put a lot of turkey and cheese on it. It's great.
I finished the afghan.  I put it in the washer after I took these pictures so it ended up softer and more consistent looking. I forgot to take a picture of the entire thing after it was soft. Dave and Poly tried it out.  Poly loves afghans so Dave told me I should make her one.


  1. Thanks so much for the afghan! It is really soft. I washed it again but in baby detergent. I guess you're supposed to wash everything in baby detergent for awhile because babies have super sensitive skin. I would have washed it earlier but needed to buy the baby detergent.

    1. You're welcome. Who knew about baby detergent. Dave thinks I should make Poly her own afghan.
