Thursday, December 3, 2009


tonight was a happy hour for na-ygn. while at work i get an email asking if i can be in charge of appetizers. well i knew when we can't even get people in charge to go that can't be good.
i said i'd do it.

then my meeting from 1:30-3 ran until 3:45 then iw as in a super rush to get stuff done and out before I left to get to the HH. then HH was scary. nobody there. then jen showed up. then adam (guy i met today). then later we realize 3 other NA-YGN people from work are sitting at another table.
then someone else comes and notices them. and finally gets them to come over to us
some filter out
2 more show up
9 total
at least i wasn't in charge of this.
i got 4 out of 10. hundreds were invited to this.

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