Saturday, December 5, 2009

A day's worth of Twitter....

09:47:40 — sleep duration last night = 10:04. sleep efficiency = 96%
09:53:15 — @TENroaches but you both had old cars that you can just make spare keys for instead of the special ones that the dealer has to make.
13:34:58 — I no longer have a recliner in my hallway.
13:35:55 — Forgot the pic
13:38:03 — I made it look pretty.
15:15:40 — 1 card planned. 11 more to go. then to cut supplies for all of these.
19:03:15 — @briecs I waste a good hour of my day reading all my friends' tweets and reading facebook status updates. probably not worth that much time.
19:04:29 — bought a ham for next weekend
19:04:57 — mcguinnis sisters has milk in glass containers. today they also had little kids singing christmas carols.
19:13:12 — we also bought the potatoes and some other stuff. i love mcguinnis sisters. i hope we cook all these things correctly.
22:53:08 — 5 cards planned. 7 more to go. i am using too much ribbon. i should have charged more.
23:36:46 — oi i forgot i got a nice email about a race tomorrow. not going to do it now. too cold. plus i haven't run in 2 months.

You can find me as smilincolleen on Twitter.

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