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She didn't want to do a photo shoot. She wanted to watch the wheels on the bus video |
- Weight: 23 lb 9.5 oz (33rd percentile for CDC) (taken 2 days late)
- Height: 34.33 inches (measured 34 so just writing last months. Ella wasn't cooperative)
- Head Circumference: didn't measure this month
- Diapers: None
- Total Teeth: 12
- Clothing: Carter's 18 month dresses and 18 mo tops. She wears 18 month and 24 months for rompers but some 24 month ones are huge. For pants she wears 18 month pants and some 2T but they fall down over her butt. I put her in some 12 mo shorts and they fall down. She's been wearing 12-24 month socks. Some shirts are still too wide. Some are too short too. I haven't been putting her in onesies because that's an extra step for going to the potty. She wears size 6 or 6.5 shoes or size 7.
- Weight/Length percentile: 7% (WHO) or 1.2% (CDC)
She is staying up entirely too late. She doesn't go to sleep until about 9:30 PM nightly now. She wakes up about 7 but sometimes a little later. She naps everyday for about 3 hours. It mostly starts at 1 PM but sometimes not until 3. She goes into her crib awake most of the time. (Maybe all but 1 or 2 days this month.)
For almost the entire month she is practically what I call growth spurt Ella. She eats a lot and it's great. I have cut down on nursing sessions. First there was no morning session then no night session. Currently we are on every other day nursing at nap. (But she has only had 1 day without nursing so far!) We are close. She barely drinks any milk. Some nights she drinks 4 oz and some she drinks 0. She drinks milk if it's in my shakeology but she doesn't really drink any other milk at breakfast.
She wakes up around 6:30. She goes to sleep between 9:00 PM and 10:30 though. Well we start bedtime routine roughly the same time but sometimes she's in her crib awake until 10. She only naps 1 time so if that gets screwed up in a stroller and she naps 20 minutes that is her nap for the day. Her nap is not consistent anymore. I think it's near 1 PM but as the month went on it's been later.
Now that she's not nursing in the morning she eats some sort of breakfast when she wakes up. Then she eats cereal or so around 8:30. She will also snack during our runs. Then she eats another breakfast near 10 am.
She eats lunch at 11:30 or so.
We nursed everyday but once before nap. I'm starting every other day so hopefully soon we will be done. She usually nurses then uses the potty a few times then goes to sleep. She eats briefly after nap and then eats when we eat dinner. Lately that is near 7:30 and it's entirely too late.
Bedtime routine has changed slightly again. We hang out and use the potty. Then Dave leaves and I hang out with her in bed. She has a sippy cup of milk and drinks between 0 and 4 oz. We hang out for a long time. She usually signs to use the potty again. Then she goes in her crib. The last few days, she hasn't even been crying at all in bed.
She wears pullups at night and during some naps just so she will sleep better. What is odd is she has been peeing the bed at naps way more than she used to. I don't know what it is this month. She had about 3 straight months with waking up from naps dry.
On June 24, she peed on Marie! This was the first time she peed on someone other than me.
On June 30, Ella tripped and went head first into our bed. Her face hit the mattress and her gums bled. This was her first injury that caused blood.
On July 8, she climbed up into the high chair just to pee. She thinks it's a potty.
On July 9, she nursed for the last time before bed.
On July 15, when Dave was saying bye before work Ella said "don't go."
She has put on shorts and panties herself a few times this month. Sometimes she gets 2 legs in one leg hole though. It's still a learning process.
She's talking more but still shy about it.
She started signing more anytime she wants something even if she didn't have it at all already.
She can blow kisses.
She is a master staller. She stalls going to bed. She always signs to use the potty to delay going to sleep.
This month Ella has become afraid of different men.
Ella is extremely clingy and doesn't like it when I leave the room or leave her. I thought she was clingy before but she gets worse.
She started walking up and down our front steps without assistance or without having to sit down and scoot.
Overall potty training is a lot better BUT when she is playing with friends, she always has an accident. I try to get her to use the potty but she sits and runs off. Some days it still feels awful because she might have 5 accidents when someone is here for 3 hours. This is tough business. I want to know when these accidents will stop.
Ella loves to lean in for a kiss.
She likes to push buttons. (Actual buttons but also likes to push my buttons. ha)
She loves Poly.
She loves to accomplish something new.
She loves to visit her friends. She leans in to get kisses from them too.
She likes to swing. She likes to be thrown around. I think she likes all things that are like a dare devil.
She likes to drink out of all the other babies' cups. Even if her cup is similar, she wants whatever isn't hers.
She likes to ride on your shoulders. She also likes to be held upside down.
Ella likes to get things when you ask her to.
She loves to do google+ hangouts and especially likes it when she gets to hold the phone or iPad herself.
She loves to help unload the dishwasher. She picks up the silverware and puts it in the silverware drawer. I have to actually put it in the right compartment but it's so cute to see her do this.
She loves to point out airplanes and trains. She says choo choo and points in the direction of the train even if we are in the house. She just puts up with a grunt to point out the airplanes.
She loves pens. She loves taking caps on and off pens.
Ella loves playing outside. She loves socializing.
She loves to lie with me in her toddler bed. She loves to lie with Dave. She will pat the pillow beside her telling us to sit there.
She likes to nurse.
Ella likes to take our remotes. She tries to pause the TV. She turns on and off the fan.
She hates when you leave her in a room when you leave.
She does not want help eating. If you stir her yogurt for her she flips out. If you help her scrape the edges she refuses to eat more.
She dislikes being prompted to talk. She wants to talk on her own terms.
She doesn't like when Dave goes to work. She even said "Don't go" to him the one day.
She doesn't like public restrooms. Or at least doesn't like to actually use them. She often asks to go but then won't go.
She hates being put in her crib.
Longest time sleeping: 11 hours 25 minutes (685 minutes)
Potty or accident times (from July 1-20): 9.5 per day (decrease)
Time spent nursing (from July 1-20): 16 minutes per day (decrease from last month)
Feeding average per day (from July 1-20): 3.7 oz This is averaged based on estimations of 1 oz or 2 oz or 3 oz at given times.
Time spent sleeping (from July 1-20): 13.1 hours per day
Nights she did not sleep through the night!: 6 (She only woke up 1 night since she started wearing pullups at night)
Doctor visits: 1 (18 mo Dr visit)
I removed some sections. This is just too long for me to do. It's still too long. I'm still days late. I feel like I'm missing a lot and this doesn't show that much changed at all but I just know a lot has changed.
Oh my gosh she is an absolute doll, and those pigtails kill me every time!!
ReplyDeleteOh, you beautiful Doll, Can't wait to spend time with Ella, I'm so excited that she's at the age where she'll remember me Cuz she's so smart! She still looks l like Dave, even in her sticking up little Pigtails, it makes me Crack up, Love y'all, G-Mom Leigh!