Monday, January 29, 2018

Christmas Concert (12.16.16)

The first group that went was the oldest class. Then they worked their way to the youngest group.  Ella's group sang 2 songs. I didn't know either song.  Ella didn't see us at first. I couldn't see her from my seat so I moved to the aisle at one point to take a picture. Ella saw me and yelled "Ms. Dana, my mommy's here."  Dave and I looked at each other and laughed.  Then a minute later she saw Dave and said the same thing about him.  Once all 4 classrooms went individually they all sang together. Well Ella was back sitting with us at this point so she didn't sing with the group.  Ella didn't actually sing at all but was with her class at least.   She didn't flip out when she saw me so that's an improvement.  I was trying to use my fancy camera. Then I swapped to my phone. Both were difficult while holding Miles.

There was an agenda but I lost mine so I didn't know the song list after. I wanted to list it here.

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