Tuesday, November 6, 2018

17 Weeks (Nov)

Well I'm finally caught up with the scheduled posts. I almost changed it to every 3rd day not every other to have a little buffer since I never type these on time.
I'm so hungry a lot and when I eat, I just want to keep eating.  Too bad I don't meal plan well and our refrigerator is jam packed. 

Hey this is my first of the 3 pregnancies that I'm not moving while pregnant.  How exciting.  

Size of baby: Onion, 4.5 - 5 inches long

Total Weight Gain/Loss:  I lost 0.6 this week but really last week I weighed myself with wet hair so that's probably off a little.  I have a 3.4 lb loss overall. 17 weeks is when I went from a loss to a gain with Miles and 18 weeks with Ella. 

Maternity Clothes:  I've pulled out some stuff because I figure might as well wear it. The belly looks bigger in the maternity tops when I wear them versus regular clothes.  I still wear my normal workout capris but have notice the waist feels tight in some. I don't pull them up and just put it right below my belly.

Gender: Boy (learned via blood test but the anatomy ultrasound is November 20)

Movement: I realized this week I've been so busy that I haven't noticed much. 

Sleep: I've been getting about 7 hours but it's broken because Poly wakes me up and then I go to the bathroom. This morning she woke me at 5 and it took me 45 min to fall back to sleep. 

What I miss: Lunch meat. 

Cravings: Nope

Aversions: Nothing really

Symptoms: Having to pee a lot is a really annoying symptom. I swear I drink a sip of water and have to pee. I'm still more exhausted than normal but nothing like the first trimester. Gagging when brushing my teeth is still going on.

Best moment this week:  Finding out we are having a boy. (But then it kind of turned into the worst when the kids didn't react very well.)

Looking forward to: My plantar fasciitis going away or at least getting enough better to not be in constant pain.

Exercise: I was doing pretty well but my plantar fasciitis got really bad. I'm in constant pain now so I took some forced rest days. I did have to walk home 1.7 miles one of those days. 

Same this time: Both times I mentioned being too busy to notice pregnancy symptoms and I feel like that's the case this week too. 

Different from last time: I wore maternity clothes with Ella and now but hadn't yet with Miles. 
I was busy all 3 times but with different things (Dev Bootcamp, moving, and now Halloween stuff). 

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