- Weight: 15 lb 4 oz - 45th percentile
- Height: 28" - >99.9th percentile
- Head Circumference: 42.2 cm - 68th percentile
- Weight/Length Percentile: 0.2%
- Diapers: Size 2
- Clothing: Mostly 9 month clothing. Some 6 month ones fit. He also wears 12 month onesies sometimes.
- Shoe Size: N/A
- Teeth: 0 (But 3 are super close)
(stats using WHO, CDC has weight higher and other 2 lower. I never remember which ones I use each month.)
It improved but then he had a rough 4 month sleep regression.
He eats for between 2 and 4 hours a day but most closer to 3.
Sometimes he nurses often if he had a short nap. Oftentimes he will wake up and not need to eat right away and that's so nice. It's nice when he's out that he doesn't freak out to nurse often.
He will take a bottle easily. He drinks it so fast. But he needs over 5 oz or he just wants to nurse after. I haven't been out of the house to have someone fully feed him so we just use what pumped milk I have without thawing any and then I just nurse. The bottles are roughly 5 oz bottles then there are larger size bottles. I don't know how much breast milk kids should eat per meal depending how old they are. I never looked it up since basically they just nurse so I don't waste my time on it.
Well he sometimes likes to go to sleep near 7 and falls asleep near then. He may sleep 5 hours or may sleep 20 min. Sometimes he doesn't go to sleep until 9. He wakes up 2-3 times. He may wake up and not go right back to sleep at 6 or maybe 7. It varies so much.
Mostly the only consistent thing is that he wants to nap at 8:30 AM.
I wake him up 2-4 times a day to get places for various things. This poor kid.
On July 18, Liam grabbed his foot!
On July 21, Liam has a cold. Liam spit up or threw up. I was unsure which for sure so I gave him a bath just to be sure.
On July 26, Liam had his first giggles.
On July 27, Liam rolled over back to front with slightly arm adjustment help. Then later that day he rolled over front to back.
On July 31, Liam had to wear Miles’s diaper since I changed him at preschool and his diaper bag was in the car.
On August 3, Liam was teething so bad. It was a really bad morning and just bad day. I ended up giving him Tylenol to help and it did.
On August 4, He had another bad day of teething and I gave Tylenol 1 time.
On August 5, Liam rolled over back to front for Pap-Pap on the bed. Totally unassisted.
On August 7, Ella spilled soda on Liam. Then he spit up few min later. Fun times
On August 9, Liam had an awful time going to sleep. He threw up or maybe spit up.
On August 10, Liam had major spit up. Ella changed his diaper.
On August 12, Liam caught a cold.
On August 14, Ella got him out of bed and changed his diaper.
Liam started grabbing at toys and holding onto them. He started to better self soothe by sucking on 3 of his fingers. He has started liking to stand with support a lot. He stays seated against the couch for awhile now. He wiggles down in his swing and bouncer and ends up hanging off the bottom. He talks a lot. If he starts talking a lot and won't shut up you know he's tired. If he's talking and excited about it then he's very happy. He smiles a lot. He will hold onto a toy but drops it pretty easily. He rolled over a lot back to front. He mainly rolls to his right side but the last few days he's practiced going to his left gets up to on his side but goes back to his back. He's rolled a few times from front to back but not as much. If he does roll and you put him back on his stomach he will roll again and again and other times not roll at all.
He likes to watch TV.
He likes Miles.
He likes to get swaddled.
He likes to be swaddled while sleeping.
He likes to be held sitting up.
He likes bright things. He likes to look at the brightest thing around.
He likes to lie on his back and look at his play mat.
He dislikes when Ella shrieks or comes at him out of nowhere.
He doesn't like tight hugs.
Longest time sleeping: 10 hours 47 minutes
Days with a sleep greater than 5 hours: 23
Days with a sleep greater than 6 hours: 16
(According to the internet sleeping through the night is considered sleeping 5-6 straight hours.)
Days with sleep greater than 8 hours: 8
Diapers used (from August 1-19): 8 per day (I forgot to check on the 14th)
Time spent nursing (from August 1-19): 3:12 per day but a lot of the middle of the night ones I doze off so not exact.
Time spent sleeping (from August 1-29): 16 hours 27 minutes per day (when it's taken mid day this number is odd)
Doctor Visits: 0
Illnesses: 2
Piano Play Mat
Toucan Play Mat
Favorite Songs
none yet
Favorite Books
none yet
Other Tidbits
A few times or maybe even more than a few times in the night he will wake up and cry a little but go back to sleep himself!
Some mornings I put him back in the crib after he falls asleep on me and he wakes immediately but then he just chills in there for up to 20 minutes being happy and squealing (while I'm trying to go back to sleep).
My back seems better. I'm finally done with PT for that. The day after my last PT appointment for my back, I hurt my knee and it's been bugging me for 2 weeks. I keep thinking I should call PT but then I put it off. My weight has been stable but some days I wake up 2 lbs heavier because I'm so swollen from sleeping in a chair. I only weigh 6 lbs less than when I went to the hospital to have Liam.
My postpartum hair loss is insane this time. I didn't even notice a difference after Ella. I don't remember too much with Miles. This time my hair is so thin now near the hairline. I have to wear it in ponytails all the time because Liam can pull on it.
I didn't have time to make more collages so here is one on the day he actually turned 4 months old.
Ella didn't want to be part of the monthly photos this month.