Wednesday, December 9, 2020

12/6/20 Instastories

We were up early but I didn't take pics right away. I like my first pic to be with the date and time stamp. Liam and Miles hugged good morning. 
Miles took a ton of photos on my phone. Some of the ceiling but he did get some of me. 

Liam climbs in bed and uses an ipad like he's a big kid.  I sat at my computer so I updated how I did with November goals (horribly) and I made some December goals.

The kids always like to play on the mattress in the closet. How long will it be in there? My hip was too injured when we got a new mattress so we put it in there instead of recycling it. The kids love it though. 

I am trying to take a picture daily of where the elf is. I sometimes forget and we are only 6 days in. This picture is on the mantel. 

Liam independently plays.

I completed weeks 5 and 4 of my 2 ongoing step bets.

I went to Game Stop to sell some old games. The Game Stop I thought was near us closed. The other one closed too. They wouldn't buy everything back but I got $77.

The kids played outside and I swapped swings so Ella could use the swing.    Liam woke up so then everyone played loudly with the toy kitchen I took upstairs while the tree is up. (Dave was trying to nap in the bedroom that is the room right next to this. 

Ella got a container stuck on her head. She was not having it. I managed to get it off by squeezing in the sides near her ears then there was enough room to get the lip off up over her forehead. 

I added ribbons to the cabinets. I hang cards off of them but also just put even more up for decoration. I ran out of this gold ribbon so they are not up on every cabinet. 

I picked up 2 containers on our buy nothing group and then the kids started sorting legos immediately.

Our house is so messy with the Christmas boxes and also the rest of the closet full of stuff I took out to get to the Christmas stuff. 

Dave read all 3 kids bedtime stories (early).  Everyone has been so tired so we tried to go to sleep early. Ella and Liam went to sleep easily.  Dave makes up lines and the kids laugh and laugh and say it doesn't say that.  
Miles had trouble going to sleep so I had to stand on the ottoman and pat his leg to get him to fall asleep.

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