Thursday, February 16, 2006

the full story

SmilinColleen: i just vacuumed the whole upstairs
SmilinColleen: i went up to get my book
SmilinColleen: then i thought man i just clenaed my room i'll vacuum it. so i went down got the vacuum then went back up
SmilinColleen: then i did my room and thought how nice it was
SmilinColleen: so then i did mommy's room
SmilinColleen: and then the hallway looked bad
SmilinColleen: so i did timmy's room since it's only a few sq feet and did teh hallway. then i thought  can't leave mikey's room out
SmilinColleen: so i did that
SmilinColleen: then i thought  well i gotta take this back downstiars so i might as well do the steps
SmilinColleen: then i put it away
Polah Bea: ur crazy like al kayne
SmilinColleen:  well i did the steps but then i had to go back up to unplug it
SmilinColleen: so i did
SmilinColleen: and then i came back down
SmilinColleen: and put it away
SmilinColleen: then i came down here
SmilinColleen: realizing as i opened the basement door i forgot my book
SmilinColleen: so i came down to tell u
SmilinColleen: now it's time to go back up
SmilinColleen: o when i was doing timmy's room the doorbell rang
SmilinColleen: so i ran and checked
SmilinColleen: ups
SmilinColleen: so then i ran down to see what it was
SmilinColleen: then i showed mommmy
SmilinColleen: and then i went back upstiars

I told mommy the story she laughed.  I finally got my book 2 minutes ago.

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