Monday, February 13, 2006


today i woek up at 10:30 then decided to just lay there for a second and only use one cover a little. then i woke up at 11. then at 3:30ish I fell asleep. Then I woke up at 8:11.

today I only got dressed for my day at 3. silly me. napping in jeans is so not as comfrotable.


  1. russsss (LiveJournal)February 13, 2006 at 12:24 PM

    that's quite a crazy day of sleeping. engineering sounds like fun.

  2. smilincolleen (LiveJournal)February 13, 2006 at 12:25 PM

    hey i'm waiting to work and there's nothing else to do around here.

  3. russsss (LiveJournal)February 13, 2006 at 1:02 PM

    hahaha, yea I know. I'm just jaggin ya.

    This time before work should be the most fun. You are done with college. You know you have a job. You just gotta sit around until they tell you to start showing up. As long as the bills don't start piling up, it sounds like it'd be lots of fun.

  4. smilincolleen (LiveJournal)February 13, 2006 at 1:06 PM

    that as long as is the bad part. but i wish i had a scheduled start date like may graduates would have. they even get to pick one. then they know they have say 1.5 months until they start or 4 weeks. or 12 weeks or whatever but they know so they know what they have to fit in.

  5. russsss (LiveJournal)February 14, 2006 at 1:35 AM

    yea, I agree it would be much better if you knew how long you were going to be waiting.
