Friday, October 2, 2020

9/23/20 instastories

 Liam woke up too early again. I tried out new filters and they are so dark. I kept trying to find new ones with a date and time on them. I like the first video to have date/time so later when I see a compiled video I know what it is for.  It is far too early in the morning. Liam makes a mess with his books and then wanted to read. It's pretty dark so the pictures are dark. Miles woke up and wanted to read too. Liam kept hitting miles and pushing him away. I was recording a video and later counted. Liam hit/pushed Miles 8 times. Then Miles hit him. I had to change the sheets since Liam spilled medicine he opened in the crib.  Liam and Miles get along so well.   I did some learning with Miles. Liam is upset I put milk in his cereal. My tire pressure is low. I did my workout with interruptions 51 minutes to do a 38 min workout. Liam fell asleep on his walk with Dave. I was about to shower but Liam woke up. We went to pick up school lunches. Ella biked holding the bag and also biked with her legs out to the side. I could not keep up. She got home way before me. 

Liam loves to play outside. Ella reads semi spinning and then Liam tries to read. Liam makes a huge mess. He dumps so much stuff out. He learned how to open the tub door and turn on the water. He's happy with himself. Liam found marshmallows in the pantry. I pushed Liam on the swing. He wasn't whining there. We also walked up and down the driveway. Liam was asleep early for the night. Miles was playing Mario Kart today. I tried to figure out how to turn it on. I had to get Dave.  Later I also couldn't figure out how to turn the thing off. Eventually I got it. I guess I'm so old I can't handle electronics. 

I'm in week 6 of 6 of my step bet!

(You may wonder why I skip around so much with these. It is because I cannot get most of them to upload to youtube.) 

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