Tuesday, October 6, 2020

9/29/20 instastories

 Liam woke up early then he woke up Miles. He wanted to wake up Ella too. Then he did. Liam gets jealous when Miles hugs me. Liam opens the shower door using the little strip at the bottom of the door. Our scale is missing a back and we keep losing batteries.  I took energize. Miles did learning with Dave. My run sucked. It hurt and I kept going. It took awhile and then my hip seemed to warm up and did better.  Miles was not doing well reading with Dave so I took over. Miles insists he can't read but this clip shows he can read a word and knows what he's reading. Liam took his doll to preschool drop off. I did my workout.  I tried to sneak upstairs to get a shower but that failed.  I drove to get school lunch. Youtube sucks at uploading so I can never upload anymore. I lied down to work and wondered if Liam would wake up. Instead I fell asleep. Liam woke up and we did a google hangout with my parents. Liam had a blast. Liam ate a zebra cake so weird. We watched the debate. I moved the shelf upstairs and added a new one. I still need to organize. But it's so much better. One potato came pretty  arm again.  I decided to pay for step bet and then I could do a recovery game and have a lower step goal. It sure is nice having 900 steps fewer a day as the goal!

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