Friday, May 6, 2011


Since my Color Rotation Challenge ended I tried to wear colors instead of neutrals. I tried to not wear as many reds.  It turns out I wore a ton of blues.
Here is a summary of what I wore since Color Rotation Challenge ended. I reordered them to make it like color rotation but didn't like it so now it is all random.  I feel like I wear a ton of skirts but looking at this, it barely looks like I wear any. I think that it is out of work clothes, I wear skirts a lot but I almost always wear jeans on the weekend.

The outfits with pants are never my favorite. I like jeans better than dress pants.  I really like belts.

What do you think? Have I worn a lot of variety or a lot of the same over the past month?

1 comment:

  1. I really like belts too. :)

    I think you did a great job, there's a good range of colors in here and you have several different silhouettes going on (which ALL make you look great). Awesome! :)

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet
