Since I've been sore and my shoes have been bothering me, I set out with the idea that I'd run the first loop at 9 minute pace and the second loop at 9:30 pace.
After the first loop I was 8 seconds behind (according to my calculations but it appears I was 9 behind). I ran the second loop trying to make up those seconds but to my revised splits. My goal went from 2:15 a quarter to 2:22 a quarter. (2:22 is 9:28 pace but 2:23 would have been 9:32 so I went with 2:22).
The run went pretty well. I guess my goals were bad because my second loop I was faster than the first loop. The first loop did have an additional hill because I didn't want to run by kids playing near the sidewalk so I headed down the street at first.

Sometimes I was just running along and I'd have a really good pace so then that motivated me to do better. So today the watch was good. Other days I look down and am highly disappointed so then I get demotivated and do worse. I need to find a happy medium or figure out how to have the slower pace not demotivate me so bad. Do you run with a Garmin? How do you get more motivated or more demotivated during a run? Do you have any tricks for me?
Currently I have a Garmin 110. Dave wants a Garmin and said he'd take mine that I have (even though it has a pink stripe on it to show it is the female version) and then I can get a new one. I haven't done research yet so I don't know which one to get. What type of Garmin do you have or do you want? What would you recommend for me and why?
An hour before this run, I walked at North Park with Dave.
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