Friday, November 11, 2011

Friend Friday - No makeup

This week for Friend Friday we are supposed to post a picture of ourselves without makeup and maybe post a little about our makeup routine. I actually post pictures of myself quite often on here without makeup but now you will have a linkup to check out other makeup-less bloggers.
Here is a recent picture of me from November 4 before I put on makeup. I'm actually pretty good without makeup except lipstick. My lip color is too uneven and I usually have a spot that is darker because I tore off the skin.
Here is a picture of me with makeup on from today. Granted I took these pictures in different locations, with different cameras, and at different times of day but it gives you a little comparison.  Also today I used 555 for my lipstick color but 550 is my favorite and the one I use most days.

Most days I put on some form of foundation (both a liquid and a powder), color stay lip stick, blush, and eye shadow. Every workday I put on at least lipstick and eye shadow. I previously posted about what makeup is in my bag. I used to use eyeliner under my eye but now I just use eye shadow brushed there.  Maybe once a year I use mascara.


  1. Can I be real with you? I think you look awesome WITHOUT the makeup!

  2. You do look fine without makeup. But, as an older Californian, I can attest that you will be glad you wear foundation later on, because it has sunscreen and prevents lots of incidental sun exposure and damage. So you end up looking younger when you're older.

  3. Thanks for taking part! You look great both ways!

  4. You look beautiful with and without. How awesome is that?
    :) f

  5. You look great without makeup! Your cheeks are rosy and your lips have a great color to them :)

  6. Thanks everyone for such nice compliments.
