Saturday, July 25, 2020

Golden Gate Bridge 7.24.20

Dave wanted to go to the Golden Gate Bridge. He took vacation since he's maxed out on vacation. He also said the parking lots are closed on the weekends.   I didn't want to go because I thought it'd still be busy and I didn't want to be near people with coronavirus and also I hate heights.

We went and drove in the parking lot on the closer side but it was full. Then we drove across the bridge. We parked and looked at the bridge from the observation area. We walked across half the bridge then walked back.  Ella was ready to turn around before we hit half way but Dave wanted to keep going.  Miles got tired halfway through the walk back. I carried him. Then Ella got tired. I took Liam out of the stroller. I tried to have Miles sit in the stroller a little and hold Liam but Liam wouldn't tolerate that. Then I let Ella sit in the stroller. I held Liam or Dave held Liam.
Miles said the bridge was the best bridge in the world. The walk out to halfway took 36 minutes for 1 mile because we stopped so much. Miles loved looking out. It was very very loud so it was hard to hear anything even when I bent down and had my head inches from Miles's or Ella's head. 

The walk back was downhill and we stopped to look at less so it only took 28 minutes. I found the downhill was actually more scary. I took my good camera but left it in the car because I knew I wouldn't be taking it out. 

After the walking across the bridge we drove around to some overlooks. We had never done that before. It was nice to see from up there.  We could have walked further for more of an overlook but we didn't need all that.

Since we were out that far, we decided to drive out further and we went to the Muir Beach Overlook. Miles loved looking at everything but I was always afraid he'd tumble to his death so I didn't enjoy myself.  

We tried to drive on Rt 1 after but it was closed near the water so people could walk and social distance. We went to the Daly City super charger and were shocked the mall was open. 

I only took out my phone a few times for pictures.

Miles found a pipe on the ground so it made it impossible to get pictures.

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