Monday, July 27, 2020

#mbf week 2

Day 8
Using Liam as a weight was tough. I had to do a diaper change and just started a new video after so this is compiled with 2.

 Day 9
Dave said no TV for Miles so that meant he was with me.  I did .5 zoom with the camera screen facing the wall. I liked that I could get more of me in but I missed being able to check my form.  I couldn't do plank jacks so I stepped out and then I just held a plank. I already have enough back troubles and I'm not risking injury. Always choose modifications over poor form!  AMRAP - I beat last week's by half a round. And this time I was without my ankle splint and Miles kept talking to me throwing off my brain what move I was supposed to do.

Day 10 (7/20)
I had so many interruptions. Liam woke up and I looked on the baby monitor and then I did not start back up the video after. I thought I did. I was even impressed with how I completed the moves with a heavier weight.

Day 11
I did my workout video but forgot to hit start so did the first segment without being on camera. I was disappointed because I was impressed at my lack of modification and now there is no record of it. There were so many plank jacks and I did not modify! My AMRAP went from 7.5 to about 8.85 from last week to this week.
Day 12
The time lapse doesn't show just how awful the workout was with the kids there. Liam made the step and lunge so difficult.  Ella almost killed me when she sat one me when I was about to do a move. I couldn't breathe.

Day 13
Ella got mad at me for correcting her form. She was using too heavy a weight and it'd be dangerous. So then she got mad and put me on a timeout. That was the best. She played with Liam while I was on "time out."  I got about half the plank jacks I should have gotten in every 40 second clip. I thought maybe I was counting them wrong. At the end of the workout I went and relistened to her explanation. Nope I was counting them right!

Day 14
I really needed the stretch.

I did these workouts in order not like last week. I did a bunch of running too. I ran 16.73 miles on top of these workouts.

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