Sunday, January 10, 2021


Liam pulled the sticker label off my deodorant but then tried to put it back. Liam tried to use his ipad while I helped Ella with school. It's like after the long break she forgot how to work and do asynchronous day. Liam got into the glitter glue when I was working with Ella. He opened the plastic container and then opened the glue lid too.

Liam shared his pirate booty with  Miles so nicely when Miles asked. Liam tried to give Poly a cat toy and just leaned over her while she rested. I was surprised she didn't get up and leave. 

Then the day turned to insane. Protested broke into the Capitol building. It was insane.  Police didn't do much. They weren't there. I took a few screen shots so I remember. I watched or listened to the news ALL day. I worked on a puzzle while listening.   It's going to be a huge day in history. I can't believe only 5 people lost their life (and one tasered himself and had a heart attack and that's how he died. 

Liam actually napped well. 

Liam likes to workout. He also pulls down his pants and likes to sit on the potty. He doesn't take off his diaper but even when I do, he does not pee.

I went for a very late run.

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