Sunday, June 5, 2011

My weekend (6/3 through 6/5)

Starting Friday evening I started sneezing like crazy. At first I thought it was allergies.  Nope it was a cold. Within 24 hours I went through an entire box of kleenexes.  I'm still sick today.

During all this on Saturday, Dave had me helping switch his office and the spare bedroom because his office is the room that gets the bass the most from the neighbors.  Before we decided to switch, Dave went over to talk to the neighbor again. Before Dave said a word, I could hear the neighbor yelling at him. One of the things he yelled was that he doesn't have to be nice because his wife isn't home.  He also yelled that perhaps we shouldn't live here and that he doesn't hell at us because our backyard is ugly (BTW we are getting it landscaped but the guy won't call us back. it's been 2 months and makes me mad.  Also theirs used to be way worse than ours before this year. Now ours looks bad since they have been working on theirs. Also when their lamp post light goes out they don't replace it for awhile. We don't complain about that because it does not affect us. The music shaking our walls affects us.)
Former office
The problem is not the level of sound. We do not hear their music at all. All of our windows are closed. The bass just travels through all the walls.  Last weekend Dave showed them how to adjust the bass on their ipod and that helped a lot. It made it a lot better. It is still annoying for Dave in his office and sometimes through the rest of the house.

The bass doesn't so much bother me because I had to put up with Timmy for all those years with his guitar amp and the bass shaking the driveway and such.  But Dave can't handle reading with the constant bass. He said when you hear bass you get distracted thinking when the next bass with come and start thinking about music. I don't really understand that so that could be why it doesn't bother me.

They said they checked the township ordinances and they don't violate any.  They do violate the housing plan covenant but we have not told them that.  During all this music / bass discussions, I learned the neighbor is a lawyer.

Their sound system cost them extra money because it is built right into their hot tub.

What would you do in this neighbor / bass situation?
Half before
A little after
I didn't get any good before pictures yesterday. I do have some somewhere. I'll have to take more progress photos.

I just realized the neighbors have the link to my blog based on my email signature. I wonder if they'll ever look at it.

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