Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Day's Worth of Twitter

08:25:48 AM - @briecs why would you wear a men's top?
08:27:51 AM - @wrkngmomscloset just imagine if it was a company email. and then 30 people reply alled yelling at the first person for emailing everyone
08:28:25 AM - @TheNewChrissy oh boy!
08:31:07 AM - @BL11Hannah now that you are back to normal life from the ranch, how long do you work out each day?
08:45:29 AM - BTW I'm dressed link a park ranger today.
09:08:12 AM - @lisafilipek Thanks. I went with it since nobody commented on how to style this w/o it looking washed out/park ranger
09:08:31 AM - @lisafilipek I'm still taking suggestions on how else to style the shirt...
09:37:36 AM - @FatGirlvsWorld Someone else told me regular glue worked. I haven't tried it. Went through 5 bands so far. lots of safety pins=temporary fix
09:46:34 AM - @FatGirlvsWorld I usually use 3-4 safety pins as the temporary fix until I get a new one. A bobby pin doesn't seem like it'd hold
09:47:38 AM - @FatGirlvsWorld Since I run races I always have safety pins in my wallet. Probably have 8 in there now.
01:01:43 PM - I ate lunch and now my pants are too tight.
01:02:09 PM - @iamoddd When do you arrive?
01:07:11 PM - @angelineevans breakfast I just eat a cereal bar so I'm OK but lunch is another story. I'm slouching almost lying down in my chair. temp fix

You can find me as @smilincolleen on Twitter.

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