Shirt: Loft - 2008
Shoes: The Shoe Dept. - 2005
Necklace: Filene's Basement - 2011
This is one of the skirts I tried on the day before. It was too big for awhile there but now it is back to fitting. I like to wear long shirts with this skirt because there is ruching at the butt. I'm not sure why they do it. It does make room for a bit butt but it also makes the butt seem bigger. Longer shirts can cover it and then it's all good. The shirt I wore here was only covering part of it.
This makes me want to curl my hair everyday. I was going to. I started a trend. But then it didn't happen
Poly cuddles with me so I don't wake up. Then I get up (getting out of the wrong side of the bed) and she gives me such a look (bottom right picture). I blame hitting snooze on her cuteness.I claim I can't disrupt her. Really I'm just tired though.
Poly runs down the stairs when I come back in from taking my daily picture. She does it often. She knows I'm about to leave after I do that.
The air conditioner was broken in my building for work. It was pretty warm. I was lucky that I didn't wear pantyhose and that I had on short sleeves and a skirt. My area didn't have a lot of people so it wasn't that bad. Other areas were 86 degrees. When I walked around to go anywhere people looked a little bit like death. Their faces were all flushed and you could see sweat dripping. It wasn't a pretty site.
For lunch, Dave and I were going to go out with Jason. Then I invited Jen. We went to the hot dog shop. It's good stuff. We went there twice within a week. After I paid, Jen learned that we save 10% there with our work IDs. I wish I would have known that. I could barely handle the cold A/C in that place just because I was so used to the hot at work. Jen ate slower than me. Jason commented on that. He said he never knew anyone to eat as slow as me. Jen's awesome like that. We eat at the same pace and we don't pressure each other. I think the only reason I was done first is that I was sharing fries with Dave so he ate more than half and then we were done.
For lunch, Dave and I were going to go out with Jason. Then I invited Jen. We went to the hot dog shop. It's good stuff. We went there twice within a week. After I paid, Jen learned that we save 10% there with our work IDs. I wish I would have known that. I could barely handle the cold A/C in that place just because I was so used to the hot at work. Jen ate slower than me. Jason commented on that. He said he never knew anyone to eat as slow as me. Jen's awesome like that. We eat at the same pace and we don't pressure each other. I think the only reason I was done first is that I was sharing fries with Dave so he ate more than half and then we were done.

Poly loves it when Dave is going down the steps and has his head right level with the floor. Sometimes she isn't even over by that part of the hallway and she sees him going down and she runs over. She doesn't like it so much with me but sometimes she still does.
(I'm so behind in posting that I have no idea what else I did this Tuesday.)
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