Sunday, July 17, 2016

4.20: Day in the Life

I decided to start this out like a day in the life and try to keep up with it throughout the day. Except this is very much abnormal for a day for me.

6:40: Ella woke up. She said she was cold. It was quite cold from the windows being open. We hung out. I tried to get her to hang out in her room so Dave could sleep. She wanted jelly beans and as I was getting her some she found the cookies I was eating last night then when I brushed my teeth she stole more. I promised her last night she could have jelly beans in the morning. I thought she'd forget.  She initially wanted food in the kitchen but ran out there and complained her feet were so cold and she needed socks. She put on 2 pairs. The kitchen was freezing with the sliding glass door open.

Packed her lunch. Had her help by adding pepper to the broccoli. I wrote a note to the teacher to remind her she put it on so then maybe she's more likely to eat it.
8:42: Dave leaves and takes Ella to drop her off at preschool!

I shower (finally).
Put load of laundry in
9:16 Get caught up typing this post.
Tried to create a google photos album since I haven't been able to create albums so I can't share pictures and I can't blog. It failed. Deduced I can make an album from picasa on my computer. But then when I tried to add photos to that album it didn't exist in the list.
Got distracted by fb.
A few minutes later the album was in fact listed and I can add photos to it in the same method I would use to create a new album but it won't let me create a new album.
Then I went to the photos tab and clicked 1 picture to try to create an album with 1 but still trouble creating album.
After more deducing and getting mad it was 9:40
I explained it all to Dave and timed how long it tried to create an album before the error message popped up (10-12 seconds). He opened a bug at work.
9:52 - 9:57  Clothes to dryer, new load in washer

Picked up some stuff.  Put away laundry.
Cleaned Ella's bathroom
10:37 - Texted and sat for a few min
Organized t-shirt orders for who got what and priced some of what I ordered that was extra
folded laundry and put 2nd load in washer
11:18 - back to t-shirt pricing
Put away Ella's laundry. matched up a lot of socks and have a ton of mismatched socks. Since March 1, I bought her 18 new paris of socks. I think I matched up 4 of those pairs. The light load is still in the dryer but I doubt I'll hit all 18!
Distracted by fb. Read a few articles. (Funny one about tired moms)
11:52 - Go to kitchen to figure out what to eat for lunch
Cleaned while food was in microwave. Then ate and ate.
1:02 Got up to fold laundry
1:22 almost done putting away laundry!
Tried to load pictures from phone onto computer.  Deleted older pictures from phone. Finally got it working
Read renters insurance info
2:28- Called insurance to ask questions file claim
2:50-  Organize
Organizing lasted 2 min then I started making the template for the silhouette machine. Fonts were already picked out. 2.5 hours later I still didn't get it to work right. There is a lot of freezer paper in my trash now.
5:15 - Preheated oven. Put 1 container of sand in the sand box. (At least 1 more to go but it looks like almost no sand!) Cut down some cardboard boxes for onesie and T-shirt painting. Started to go through junk that's been on the kitchen island.
5:40 stopped to update this post!
Dave and Ella got home. I greeted them at the car. Dave said how he promised Ella they'd go to the park but a baseball game was going on so there was no parking so they were going in the backyard. I said I'd join them. After a few minutes it was just me with Ella and Dave went inside.  We played out there for 40 minutes.  She even got to play in her sand box since I moved the sand over there today. I added more sand and toys when she was playing. We used the big swing too for a bit. She rode her tricycle. Then she kept getting too close to the pool so I made her come in.

We had a few minutes before dinner was ready so we sat at my computer and Ella helped pick out her favorite rocket graphics. I will use one to paint a shirt.
We ate lasagna. Then Ella and I had cereal.

 8:00 - We cuddled in bed and I read Ella 2 books. Then she wanted more and got 2 more books. We read each book twice.  Then it was time for bed.  We were in her room for a bit. Dave read to her while I typed this post.

8:55 - Blogging. Nope only lasted like 2 minutes and then went in with Ella for 25 minutes.


  1. Love it. Now do one where you have a normal day :)

    1. I keep trying but then I'm too busy to document properly. I do take lots of pictures and can figure things out but that leaves out cleaning and productive stuff since I don't take pics of that normally.
