Sunday, February 17, 2019

32 Weeks (February)

I finally got my wedding rings off on February 13. My finger was a bit dented.

Miles is having such a transition to the bed and he wakes up in the night a lot and wants me to sleep beside him. He'll be up for hours sometimes too. Then I'm up for hours.  Also sometimes he wakes up at 5:45 and I get him back to sleep then I cannot fall back to sleep. I try the entire time though so I don't get anything else done in that time. I mainly don't even grab my laptop that is beside me because Dave has said in the past typing wakes him up. Except right at 7:20 when his alarm goes off he turns on the TV and it's very loud and then it wakes me up and also wakes Miles up so maybe I should quit being so considerate.

On February 13, I had an OB visit but this time with a nurse practitioner. She seemed more concerned about my lightheadedness than my actual doctor.  My BP was 104/62 and the nurse who took it said "your BP is 104/62 and that's just ... OK." I'me always told my BP is good from my normal OB's nurse even when it's lower or higher than that.

I feel like my belly is more round and not down as low as last time but it's hard to tell because different pictures probably just might show differently. 

We moved Miles's clothes from his current room to his new room but then he still wouldn't sleep in there so she slept on the floor in his old room. But perhaps we are one step closer to having the room ready for the baby.

It's getting harder and harder to bend down and pick things up. I get so out of breath. It's so hard keeping the house clean without a cleaner and also trying to organize and go through toys keeps making a bigger mess than I started with and then it's tough.  I can't squat the entire way down because my belly is in the way.
I updated graphs I had last time. The quality when saving the png is no good but you get the idea of how similar or not similar things are. I know I'm way more lightheaded now so not able to move around like my normal self so I'm burning way fewer calories just in general not counting the lack of actual exercises. 

Size of baby: Bok Choy, 16.7 inches long from head to heel. My app on my phone says the baby weighs about 4 pounds.

Total Weight Gain/Loss:  28.3
 lb gain overall because I gained 2.6 lbs this past week. I was even lightheaded daily.

Maternity Clothes:  All tops are maternity. Workout pants are still my normal ones. My hoodie and coat are not maternity and they don't zip and it's cold when we are outside. 

Movement: I feel like he moves in spurts. My belly will crazy move but as soon as I'd go to tell someone, there is no movement. My entire belly will move but as soon as I try to tell Ella or Miles to feel it, there is no movement. As I write this I have a book on my belly and it's moving up and down because of baby movement. 

Sleep:  Sleep is horrible. Poly wakes me up nightly because she wants me to reposition. She also tries to lie right on my belly and I have to move her off. Miles is waking up every day near 2 am and 5 am now that he's not in his crib. Then he runs out to get me and asks me to cover him. The only blankets he will use are small and he cannot get them on him well. Then there are times I have issues falling asleep after I get him back to sleep. One night he was also up for 2 hours in the night. 

What I miss: Running and exercising. Oh I wish I wasn't so lightheaded all the time. 

Symptoms: Minor groin pain, back pain, exhaustion, lightheaded.  I also sat down on the ground 2 different times and had shooting pains go up my back starting in my butt. 

Best moment this week: Valentine's Day parties with pictures. 

Looking forward to:  Getting the nursery situated. The stressful part is getting Miles out of there but it's "his room" and he's not going for it.  Also looking forward to my baby sprinkles. It's more like a drizzle and hanging out. In a week there is one that kids are invited too. 

Exercise:  I did weights for 11 minutes with Miles and I used the elliptical for 15 minutes. My exercise sessions are super short and I barely have them. It sucks. 

Same this time: Last time Ella's sleep was horrible and now Miles's is horrible. (It's horrible for different reasons but still horrible. ) Weeks ago I got the paperwork I have to fill out and mail to the hospital and I haven't done that yet.  At least this time around they have an online way to fill it out and submit it. I know when I was pregnant with Ella, I mailed it in and they still asked me all the same questions when I was at the hospital.  Poly woke me up back then to reposition for how she wanted me to sleep and she still does that. I don't like it because turning over is a hardship. She always likes it when I am positioned a certain way. I had back pain all 3 times.

Different from last time: I already stopped wearing my wedding rings this time. Last time they were just tight. Unsure what week I stopped wearing them when pregnant the first time.
Last time I did a little number compilation of some things and one of them was miles run since being pregnant with Miles and the total was 106.41.  With Ella, it was a total of 41.8 miles. This time I'm at  69.76 miles.


  1. Is there a reason you're switching Miles' room? We're about to transition Rory to a big girl bed, and I'm nervous!

    1. The room close to the master will be the nursery for the new baby. This house only has 3 bedrooms upstairs. If we have relatives es stay with us they’d use the “spare” room but we could always have Ella in there (downstairs) since she’s older and can understand more. Right now with Miles in the bed he wakes up and runs out every 3 hours. And it’s rough.
