Liam likes the water table. Liam napped on me for a very long nap. I napped a bit. Liam does a puzzle. Well he thinks he did it. I did my workout video. Using Liam for a weight was tough. Dave and Miles were laying similarly and I pointed it out. Then Miles asked me to take a picture. We took a family walk.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
7/17/20 instastories
Miles and Liam play on the water table. I did a workout and Ella joined me for a little bit of it. Mountain climbers are so tough. My arms seem to slide forward and my hands are under my head versus my chest. It was my first workout without the splint. I didn't actually plan to do it but I lost it in the house and I only had a small window to complete the workout. I didn't finish before Liam got back and then he kept putting the weights on my laptop.
Liam made eating take a long time. Miles likes the swing and the water table. Miles brought all his pandas out but he won't share. He even took the one back that he had been letting Liam sleep with. So we went through our stuffed animals to see if Liam liked any of the other ones.
Dave and the kids did a dance party. Liam lied on Dave for like the first time for a long time. Miles used the stomp rocket.
Everyone was up late.
Liam made eating take a long time. Miles likes the swing and the water table. Miles brought all his pandas out but he won't share. He even took the one back that he had been letting Liam sleep with. So we went through our stuffed animals to see if Liam liked any of the other ones.
Dave and the kids did a dance party. Liam lied on Dave for like the first time for a long time. Miles used the stomp rocket.
Everyone was up late.
Monday, July 27, 2020
#mbf week 2
Day 8
Using Liam as a weight was tough. I had to do a diaper change and just started a new video after so this is compiled with 2.
Day 9
Dave said no TV for Miles so that meant he was with me. I did .5 zoom with the camera screen facing the wall. I liked that I could get more of me in but I missed being able to check my form. I couldn't do plank jacks so I stepped out and then I just held a plank. I already have enough back troubles and I'm not risking injury. Always choose modifications over poor form! AMRAP - I beat last week's by half a round. And this time I was without my ankle splint and Miles kept talking to me throwing off my brain what move I was supposed to do.
Day 10 (7/20)
I had so many interruptions. Liam woke up and I looked on the baby monitor and then I did not start back up the video after. I thought I did. I was even impressed with how I completed the moves with a heavier weight.
Day 11
I did my workout video but forgot to hit start so did the first segment without being on camera. I was disappointed because I was impressed at my lack of modification and now there is no record of it. There were so many plank jacks and I did not modify! My AMRAP went from 7.5 to about 8.85 from last week to this week.
Day 12
The time lapse doesn't show just how awful the workout was with the kids there. Liam made the step and lunge so difficult. Ella almost killed me when she sat one me when I was about to do a move. I couldn't breathe.
Day 13
Ella got mad at me for correcting her form. She was using too heavy a weight and it'd be dangerous. So then she got mad and put me on a timeout. That was the best. She played with Liam while I was on "time out." I got about half the plank jacks I should have gotten in every 40 second clip. I thought maybe I was counting them wrong. At the end of the workout I went and relistened to her explanation. Nope I was counting them right!
Day 14
I really needed the stretch.
I did these workouts in order not like last week. I did a bunch of running too. I ran 16.73 miles on top of these workouts.
7/15/20 instastories
Happy Wednesday. Liam slept all night! I told him how good he was! I drank energize then went for a run. Some extra kids wanted to go so it wasn't so much of a run. Ella actually left the house. She was only a little afraid of the bugs. We were still trying to find a wood pecker. Almost everyday we try to find one. I ran to and from the trail and then we walked in the middle. We spent 25 minutes out. Then I wanted to run with just Liam to get a decent run in. Ella wanted to come. She's been so afraid of bugs so I didn't want to say no. These 2 runs took all morning! When Liam napped in the crib, I did a workout. Miles did stomp rocket. We do it inside since outside they end up on the roof.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
7/12/20 instastories
Miles was awake early. Dave had said no TV all day so that meant I was playing with Miles instead of using my laptop or resting bright and early. I made a collage of running with the kids this year and running with Ella last year. I wanted to run but Miles wanted to join so we went for a run (then walked then ran). We took forever on the walk portion because we needed to find a blue jay, woodpecker, and lizard. We didn't find them. We were outside for 90+ minutes. I taught Ella how to sew. She made a little pouch then wanted to make a bear. I told her a bear is a little more advanced. I tried to use the sit n spin. It was difficult. I did my workout (and autocorrect changed the tag!). My knees don' bend for side lunges anymore. I need to work on that. I did a 1 minute push-up test but the kids were insane. I tried to record for my push-up challenge but every video was awful. Liam practiced going down the stairs himself. Liam watched #mbf for 10 minutes. He even bounced to the music. I was trying to sit and Liam and Miles were on me.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Golden Gate Bridge 7.24.20
We went and drove in the parking lot on the closer side but it was full. Then we drove across the bridge. We parked and looked at the bridge from the observation area. We walked across half the bridge then walked back. Ella was ready to turn around before we hit half way but Dave wanted to keep going. Miles got tired halfway through the walk back. I carried him. Then Ella got tired. I took Liam out of the stroller. I tried to have Miles sit in the stroller a little and hold Liam but Liam wouldn't tolerate that. Then I let Ella sit in the stroller. I held Liam or Dave held Liam.
Miles said the bridge was the best bridge in the world. The walk out to halfway took 36 minutes for 1 mile because we stopped so much. Miles loved looking out. It was very very loud so it was hard to hear anything even when I bent down and had my head inches from Miles's or Ella's head.
Miles said the bridge was the best bridge in the world. The walk out to halfway took 36 minutes for 1 mile because we stopped so much. Miles loved looking out. It was very very loud so it was hard to hear anything even when I bent down and had my head inches from Miles's or Ella's head.
The walk back was downhill and we stopped to look at less so it only took 28 minutes. I found the downhill was actually more scary. I took my good camera but left it in the car because I knew I wouldn't be taking it out.
After the walking across the bridge we drove around to some overlooks. We had never done that before. It was nice to see from up there. We could have walked further for more of an overlook but we didn't need all that.
I only took out my phone a few times for pictures.
Miles found a pipe on the ground so it made it impossible to get pictures.
Since we were out that far, we decided to drive out further and we went to the Muir Beach Overlook. Miles loved looking at everything but I was always afraid he'd tumble to his death so I didn't enjoy myself.
We tried to drive on Rt 1 after but it was closed near the water so people could walk and social distance. We went to the Daly City super charger and were shocked the mall was open.
I only took out my phone a few times for pictures.
Miles found a pipe on the ground so it made it impossible to get pictures.
7/11/20 instastories
Liam likes the pumpkin that repeats what you say. Liam likes stuffed animals. Then he likes to throw them on the floor. We made cookies for breakfast. I read Liam some new books he got. Dave fell asleep during the family meeting. Liam made a huge mess eating. Liam played so well. Miles made Liam giggle. I tried to photobook. The kids didn't let me. I cleaned off part of the buffet in the dining room. I made broccoli cheese quesadillas. Ella even ate one. Ella and I wore matching masks. We went to DQ. Miles wanted a cone but ate it with a spoon. Luckily I had asked for a cup and a spoon. I worked on my photobook but hit the picture max. Now I have to remove some to add others.
Friday, July 24, 2020
7/10/20 instastories
The ice maker is fixed and we have ice. I encouraged Miles to join me for the workout. I pushed Miles in the swing after. My arms were so spent it was hard to do under dog. Then Miles pushed Liam so I got a little break. Miles said, "he's smiling/ take a picture." Liam crawls and gets filthy. Miles and Liam play together so well. Miles likes beeferoni. Liam likes to play with paw patrol. I went for a run and it was hot. I did a benchmark run. 2:47.1 was the benchmark run. I sat cooling off in front of the fan. Liam goes through my drawer and throws stuff on the floor. Liam messes with a fork but doesn't actually eat any of the roasted veggies. I spent some time organizing the spare room/craft room. I feel like I made good progress. Liam likes to throw toys down the steps. I stayed up too late finding pictures for the photobook I'm working on.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
7/21/20 Instastories
I was trying out my new shoes without orthotics in them. For walking around the house it seemed ok. Liam spilled a lot of puffs. I did a 1 minute push-up test. Liam liked the mirror. I tried running in the shoes without orthotics. That was a painful 1 mile.
I did my workout video but forgot to hit start so did the first segment without being on camera. I was disappointed because I was impressed at my lack of modification and now there is no record of it. There were so many plank jacks and I did not modify! My AMRAP went from 7.5 to about 8.85 from last week to this week. I also went for a run in the hot sun. I did 4 miles. The last time I did that much was May 22. Liam likes the chair on the couch. Liam likes outside.
I did my workout video but forgot to hit start so did the first segment without being on camera. I was disappointed because I was impressed at my lack of modification and now there is no record of it. There were so many plank jacks and I did not modify! My AMRAP went from 7.5 to about 8.85 from last week to this week. I also went for a run in the hot sun. I did 4 miles. The last time I did that much was May 22. Liam likes the chair on the couch. Liam likes outside.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
#mbf week 1
Muscle burns fat is a new beachbody program. I did day 3 first. then did day 1 about a week later. I did them a little out of order based on other workouts I was doing.
Day 1
Ella was in there with me and did a little and then had to use the stomp rocket. My knees just will not bend for a side lunge anymore. They were rough when I did 80 day obsession years ago and now way worse.
Day 2
I was pretty sure from doing these workouts, running, and daily push-ups.
You keep track of your reps for 4 minutes at the end. I got 7 rounds done.
I did the workout when Dave took Liam for a walk. Mountain climbers are hard. It took took me 41 minutes to complete a 35 minute workout.
Day 3
It was so hard for me to do the mountain climbers. By the end I just held a plank. It took a few extra minutes to complete the workout with the kid interruptions. I paused it so I didn't miss any. I got 7 AMRAPs. I don't have the jump ropes yet so I feel like it'll be different when I'm actually holding something.
I encouraged Miles to join me. It made some things more difficult but we had fun. Miles is so crazy. He moves around so much> I forgot I had a fan until the end. It sure was nice.
Day 4
There are too many mountain climbers. It was too hard. I just had to hold a plank at the end.
Day 5
Day 6
Inchworm push-ups were rough. I liked that Ella joined me for a little bit of it. Mountain climbers are still awful. As I do them my hands slide too far forward. This was my first workout video without my ankle splint.
Day 7
I couldn't quite do the moves. It was hard with a crying baby. He just woke up and he was not a happy camper. I already tried to start many times and failed so I tried to do it.
I didn't do ultimate portion fix or 2b mindset. I did try to stop snacking at night and eat healthier but it didn't always work out.
Here are the days I did them and when.
7/10 - Day 3 (I also ran.)
7/12 - Day 1 (I also did a 90 minute walk with Miles.)
7/13 - Day 2 (I also did a run and then walk with Miles.)
7/14 - Day 5 (I did 15 min on the elliptical and later 20 min of walking in place and pepper steps.)
7/15 - Day 4 (I went for a run.)
7/16 - Day 7 (I also ran.)
7/17 - Day 6 -- this was the only day I also didn't do another workout.
I was sore basically all week!
During the span of 7/10 and 7/17 I lost 1.6 lbs but then the following day I gained 2.1 so don't pay too much attention to that.
Day 1
Ella was in there with me and did a little and then had to use the stomp rocket. My knees just will not bend for a side lunge anymore. They were rough when I did 80 day obsession years ago and now way worse.
Day 2
I was pretty sure from doing these workouts, running, and daily push-ups.
You keep track of your reps for 4 minutes at the end. I got 7 rounds done.
I did the workout when Dave took Liam for a walk. Mountain climbers are hard. It took took me 41 minutes to complete a 35 minute workout.
Day 3
It was so hard for me to do the mountain climbers. By the end I just held a plank. It took a few extra minutes to complete the workout with the kid interruptions. I paused it so I didn't miss any. I got 7 AMRAPs. I don't have the jump ropes yet so I feel like it'll be different when I'm actually holding something.
I encouraged Miles to join me. It made some things more difficult but we had fun. Miles is so crazy. He moves around so much> I forgot I had a fan until the end. It sure was nice.
Day 4
There are too many mountain climbers. It was too hard. I just had to hold a plank at the end.
Day 5
Day 6
Inchworm push-ups were rough. I liked that Ella joined me for a little bit of it. Mountain climbers are still awful. As I do them my hands slide too far forward. This was my first workout video without my ankle splint.
Day 7
I couldn't quite do the moves. It was hard with a crying baby. He just woke up and he was not a happy camper. I already tried to start many times and failed so I tried to do it.
I didn't do ultimate portion fix or 2b mindset. I did try to stop snacking at night and eat healthier but it didn't always work out.
Here are the days I did them and when.
7/10 - Day 3 (I also ran.)
7/12 - Day 1 (I also did a 90 minute walk with Miles.)
7/13 - Day 2 (I also did a run and then walk with Miles.)
7/14 - Day 5 (I did 15 min on the elliptical and later 20 min of walking in place and pepper steps.)
7/15 - Day 4 (I went for a run.)
7/16 - Day 7 (I also ran.)
7/17 - Day 6 -- this was the only day I also didn't do another workout.
I was sore basically all week!
During the span of 7/10 and 7/17 I lost 1.6 lbs but then the following day I gained 2.1 so don't pay too much attention to that.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
7/7/20 instastories
I like this filter that puts the date and time. I like to start the first story of the day with it so then later quickly I can see what is what. Liam is a little bugger with q-tips. I ran. I did my planks and push-ups. They are getting easier. (I am getting stronger.) Liam is silly. I went through some stuff in the craft room. I found a gift card and money! Liam likes to put away blocks. Liam loves the dart board / balls. Too bad since SIP started we lost 4 of the 6 balls.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Monday, July 13, 2020
7/5/20 instastories
I love when the kids play together. I went for a run. Liam likes to play. Liam climbs.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
7/3/20 instastories
Liam didn't sleep well. I slept in his chair most of the night. Another bruise update. I ran again. I organized toys. It seems like I make no progress.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
2019 It's Mom Challenge (Week 4)May 22
I did weeks 1 and 2 last year but never did a post about the rest. Here's the rest of May. I stopped making so many collages and they are more selfies as the month went on. Look how little Liam is.
May 22-31
All month I wanted a photo of us going into school but it never happened. This was the best I got all month.
You can see I stopped making so many collages.
Google made a collage and I ended up in so many of the photos.
Nap time horror
May 22-31
May 22 |
May 23 |
May 23 |
May 23 |
May 24 |
![]() |
May 24 |
Google made a collage and I ended up in so many of the photos.
May 25 |
May 25 |
May 25 |
May 26 |
May 26 |
May 26 - out to lunch |
May 27 - Miles helping me clean the marker off the chair |
May 27 |
May 27 |
May 28 |
May 28 |
May 28 |
May 29 |
May 29 |
May 31 |
May 31 |
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