Saturday, August 6, 2022

Running Stats

I keep track of a lot of running stats. NRC also has some good running stats. Mapmyrun does too but not through the app. Garmin has stats but it's weekly or 4 weeks or 52 weeks not on calendar months so I never like it as much. 

I keep not posting because auto backup doesn't work for google photos on my app. Manually clicking to backup a photo so I can add it, never works. I click it and it is trying to backup for 5 minutes then doesn't. I took all these screen shots on my computer which takes longer but then I was able to upload them at least. 

I bet nobody will care about this but me but I love to look back on snapshots in time and love my old data posts. 

I have had years worth of data for awhile but I recently added number of runs and average distance per run. I ran a lot to preschool in 2018 and thus had a lot of 1 mile runs lowering that average. Also when Ella was in kinder I would sometimes run .2 to get to her or even .6 if I ran away from our house then back to school so it had a lot of low distances averaging in. 

I also added the current date and then % through the year to see if I'm consistent with how much I've run so far what my projected yearly miles will be.  I am definitely not consistent since I can't seem to get as long of runs in here no matter how hard I try since I can't do mid week runs worth any sort of distance.  I have been increasing the average run per day the last few weeks. It kept going down since May. The highest projection for the year was 952 if I remember correctly so I am going down without my nice long runs. (I went back and looked and it was 977.) 779 would be my highest year yet.  I started this year with a goal to have my average pace be faster than 2015 and I am constantly improving and am now decently ahead. For awhile I wasn't. But I guess not having super long runs = I run at a faster pace more often.  

Just looking at this now I kind of want to go back and add projected number of runs for the year.... so now I'm stopping writing this to go add that :) The answer is 203 total runs for 2022...That's my highest. My run streak for the last 25 days upped that average. 

Then I have this very similar but also different chart. It has greens and the brighter the green the further I ran and also the faster my pace is. I started adding longest run to this just last week. I don't have all the years but did a few. In 2011 I ran a marathon so that will be my longest run there. None of the other ones are that long. On no I just noticed the current year isn't green for time or pace... fixing that.  I wasn't going to re-upload it but then I decided to so it's below.

I just went back to the spreadsheet and added the longest run column to the previous table too. 
I only left the screen shot in above since I talked about it. 

I like breaking apart the data by month to see improvement or changes. I got covid in June and moved in June. I started a 1 week run streak in July and kept it up for something like 25 days now! I think I will stop at a month of doing it. (I was going to stop July 31 but didn't.) But I might have to keep going until after Beth quits hers. I started my run streak 12 days after she started hers. 
Moving corresponding to a month change makes it easy to have CA miles and WA miles too.  Then I decided to do average distance per day since I knew I was running a lot more before. The 1.58 in WA has increased a lot with the run streak.  Treadmill miles have certainly helped my average pace in WA. 

I like looking at my day of the week stats too. A long run is almost always on the weekend and then the other weekend day was a rest day.  I haven't looked into why Wednesdays have the slowest pace. I would think long runs should be the slowest. But also randomly running with kids on bikes happens midweek.  I know I have a screen shot from a month or 2 ago of the day of the week runs. It'd be fun to see the difference before my run streak.  

Time to go look for one. 

And I found one for the day before I started my run streak! I am really liking how I thought ahead and have the date in the screen shots. Go me.  It's no surprise that every average run distance went down.

When I moved I added location with WA in the title. I also separated WA and CA here. I forget if I did this one before the other one or after. I actually think I did it first.   The Treadmill pace is helping my overall pace. But the trail pace is pretty good so it's not horrible. It is flatter. The neighborhood is so hilly and I run those runs sometimes with kids so it's even worse for average pace. Maybe I should do a few more neighborhood only runs just to decrease that average pace. 

I just recently added "No Goal" because sometimes I have a quick run and then I was leaving the column blank. I still have to go back and fix some old ones to know if I just forgot to fill out the info. I went back and most I Forgot to fill out. Now instead of 23.2 mi it is 7.41 unaccounted for. Now I finished. I'll put the new screen shot below and then just swapped out the original next one for the updated one so it no longer has 18.21 miles that wasn't filled out.   I mainly did a new screen shot because Yes shouldn't be 6:00:00 so it had the wrong number format so the new one is below!

I kind of like that I was too fast sometimes and not just too slow. Sometimes it was hard to say and I might have been too fast for a few intervals but if it was mostly on track I marked it as yes. 

I often cut runs short but if I cut short the cooldown or warmup I mostly say it is a yes since I got the meat of the workout done. Often my run streak runs have no plan so instead of leaving them blank I put no plan or if I ran with the kids. But sometimes my plan is to only run a mile so then I don't know what I should put!

My weekly stats. I put a thicker line to separate the CA and WA runs. 
I also keep track and make little tables for lots of the runs that are not "Easy Runs"  I use emojis. Two runners means I ran too fast. A thumbs down means I ran too slow. 
There are not many tempo runs prescribed per training plans so I believe these are all I've ever run. 
I just started the stride repeats table this week and went back to a few old ones just to check. 
Goal pace runs are fun to look at too. Warmup is often slower for me so I like seeing what I actually ran during the fast part of the workout. 
Speed repeat runs often have me analyzing data longer than it took to run the runs.   Note the "Pace" is taken from Garmin and not done by math on the distance completed. You can tell or all the paces would be the same for the same distance. 
Here's another speed repeat screen shot too since those are so fun. 
I went back into Garmin ( and later Strava) and added some segments. At first I just did the uphill but later added the first part of the uphill that is much steeper. 
I have run the segment 20 times. Now on my way home I don't try alternate routes because I like to compare. 
Here is to the bend. 
Here is it not zoomed in the entire way.  

Uphill is still tough but it is a lot easier than it was a month ago.  Sometimes if I had a speedy workout earlier I'm more dead on the uphill and then the easy runs might actually be much faster on the uphill. There are also times like yesterday where I had part of the fast part of the run on the uphill so then once that was done I walked 3x longer than my normal run break making the segment pace much slower even though the first part was way faster than normal. 

In addition to tracking runs, I also track other things I do based on my workout goals for the month. 
Mostly those goals contribute to goals I posted for exercise goals but then I do update them too. I can update the next months goals all the way until the 1st of the month and once the 2nd hits, I can't update or change them. Sure bummed me out when I got injured on Nov 3 so then I missed all my goals!  When I sprained my ankle on the 26th of the month, I was able to update my goals for the next month. I learned from 2021 that if I miss a month, I should try to make up those missed things or else I don't hit my yearly goals. 
I started the bottom section to show if I was on track for the month. Sometimes it's hard telling on the above even after I added percent of the way through the month so the top only highlights green when I hit 100% and the bottom highlights if I'm past the percent through the month. 

Here's the yearly data. I have goals in for the entire year but do update each month as the month comes up. I missed 2 in 2020 and 1 in 2021. 

In 2021, here were ones I missed as the month happened. I had 2 surgeries in June but then I guessed wrong as to how much better I'd be in July.

I missed a lot in 2020. Nov 3, is when I injured my elbow. I also believe I sprained my ankle at the end of May and then again the same ankle at the end of July. I had a hip injury at some point too. I was full of injuries. I would just get one thing better and do my last day of PT and then injure myself another way.  The elbow wasn't really an injury but cellulitis and bursitis and not even easy or common ones. It wasn't reaction to antibiotics and oh what fun it was. NOT! I went to the doctors so much and then having a rigid splint made my shoulder worse and I had to go to PT for that. 

I bet nobody read this entire thing but if you did, what do you think? 

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