Wednesday, August 5, 2015

July 2015 Exercise

I ran 76.62 miles in July! (As a reminder my goal is 38 miles each month with a reach goal of 42 miles.)
Funny this feels low now that I've had a few good months. I guess it is setting in that I'm rocking it.  

I specifically didn't do long runs on the weekends the second half of the month to give myself a little recovery from all the running I had been doing. I figured I needed a break. 

I think I only did 1 Focus T25 video this month. I ran and participated in a 7 day push-up challenge and ran and participated in the first part of a squat challenge. I participated in a 7 day push-up challenge too. I was amazed that 30 people wanted to join me in the squat challenge.  I love all the challenges. They are so motivating.  They are pretty time consuming to make up but once I record videos once, I should be good for doing the same challenge again.  I haven't repeated yet though. 

total miles count part of August. Oops.
I already have 474.21 miles for the year. Just looking at the totals and percents makes me happy.

I got some race pictures when I ran the half marathon so I'm happy about that. 
Maybe I should track push-ups and then I'd actually do them. I have been wanting to do decline push-ups like I used to but never even do them to build back up.

I updated the data that I collected last month. (I forgot to unhighlight the 41.13 in July 2011.) It's so interesting to see it all. I wish I wasn't missing the end of 2010. 

I went to yoga once this month and also went to the pool with Ella quite a few times. I went for a few walks too. So I did do some other stuff besides run.

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