Sunday, September 25, 2011

October Workout Goals

In October I need to get back into working out enough.  I have a wide variety of goals that just aren't running even though that is mostly what I post bout on here.  I created goals back in December to try to help me. That didn't work out too well, but I hope this does.
  1. Perform yoga 2 times. (once every other week)
  2. Attend Body Pump 5 times. 
  3. Lift weights 2 times on my own.
  4. Complete 16 cardio workouts (running, classes at the gym, exercise bike, or elliptical)
  5. Do 10 ab workouts (chiseled core, P90x core ab ripperx, Body Pump, or on my own)
  6. Quantity: Run 12 times. (that is 2-3 times a week)  - Stretch goal is to run 15 times. 
  7. Distance: Run 87 total miles (18 mi, 20 mi, 22 mi, 25 mi, 2 mi - 2 mile because it is 4 weeks and then couple days) (My previous best in 1 month was 75 miles in March 2011) - stretch goal: I would love to have 100 miles (22, 24, 26, 28) just to have hit 100 in a month would feel like a great accomplishment

I have a few days to adjust this before October 1 rolls around.  Do you have any suggestions?
(Note week 1 will end on October 2 because I don't want my mileage weeks to all be different and currently my week ends on Sunday.)

I haven't taken a yoga class is over a month. I want to get back into it, but I did not want to make my goal too unreasonable.

To compare so far for September I have

  1. Performed yoga 0 times
  2. Attended Body Pump 3 times (going Monday and Wednesday of this week though)
  3. Lifted weights 0 times on my own
  4. Completed 11 cardio workouts (won't be getting 5 in the rest of this week)
  5. I have done 4 ab workouts with 3 of them being at Body Pump
  6. Run 10 times (may hit 12 by the end of the month)
  7. Run a total of 46.86 miles (will get a few more before the end of the month)
So I may meet 2 of the goals.

I kind of feel like I should add goals something like "Run so hard that I feel like I'm going to throw up" and "Not throw up" 

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