Friday, August 7, 2020

Virtual Fun Run 2020

Every year I organize a fun run with the mom groups I'm part of. This year I couldn't just miss a year, so decided to host one virtually. I got Stephanie to "co-host" it with me. She co-hosted 2016 and 2018 in person runs with me.  We spent a good amount of time figuring out how to make it easy for people and what would make them do it. I spent 2 hours trying to figure out how to make a digital photo frame that others could easily add to it. In minutes I made one where I could add photos easily but making it work for others was another story. 
We had a google sheet sign up sheet where we asked if they wanted a medal.  I used google slides for the race bibs. You could duplicate a sheet to add a name and print 4 slides per sheet for a good race bib size. Then I made a google album.  It ended up that everyone just sent me pictures and I created various digital frames to capture their fun run. 

All 3 kids worked with Liam and he "ran" the length of the driveway on August 5. As always the run is for fun and parents can carry kids or whatever. They don't have to run the entire way to count it as complete.  Ella and Miles held Liam's hand until he was a little more than half way then Ella picked him up and ran with him. I think he was too slow for her.  Then at the end she put him down. I helped him walk to the end of the driveway to complete it.   Then Miles ran back and forth a few times in the driveway. We just used the driveway so I could do get pictures and videos more often. 

Ella didn't want to run the full .25 mile. Then I told her Gio ran it. She kept saying she'd beat his time. So she ran it on August 6.  I made her go immediately after she ate lunch. She said her side was cramping up. She also doesn't have any sneakers.  I told her to finish strong.  I pushed Liam during her race. We did a quick pause half way where I told her to let me run ahead so I could get video of her. She didn't really then when she wanted to walk a few steps then I said I'd run through. I was so out of breath recording her. 

I spent far too long putting together some photo collages and videos. 

Here are some pictures from past years. 

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