Yesterday morning I had to wake up early so that I could clean up and finish preparing for my Stampin' Up Class by 10:AM (not 10:30 like I got tricked last time).
I also had to get the cinnamon rolls made.
Someone actually showed up early. That's rare. Only 8 minutes early.
The other 4 were late. Late is the norm around here.
There were 2 new people at the party. They liked it. So maybe I'll have new customers. I ran out of catalogs though. I was very upset. I needed at least 2 new ones and I only had 1. The catalogs last until June. I don't think I will go through another box of 8 so I'm not sure what to do about this.
The table after class was over.
The cinnamon rolls were a hit.
At the beginning of class, i noticed missing skin on my finger. I don't know how it happened.
It sure hurt if anything touched it. After class, I put neosporin and a bandaid on it.
Then it was time for lunch. I scratched my leg. I made it bleed in many places.
We had bacon and toast for lunch. It was good.
My parents then visited. I gave them lots of leftover fruits and vegetables from the Skate Party on Friday. I kept a lot too though. Timmy raided our cupboards. Then I realized we had a lot of Oreos/cookies (mostly oreos but then Nutter Butter).
We watched CNN while my parents were here. Waiting for the news coverage when Hawaii would be hit by the tsunami. Hawaii dodged a bullet though. My mom gave me an afghan while I was sitting there and I fell asleep. I slept for 30 minutes sitting there.
Then shortly after I woke up, my parents left.
I was going to walk with Haley at North Park but there was a race so we couldn't do that. Since we didn't do that I needed to do cross training and thus had to use the exercise bike at home. I had to keep up with my training plan. It's week 3 of training. Week 1 I was sick all week. I used the bike for 45 minutes while watching lost. Lost wasn't over so I did 2 more minutes of cooldown. I had to use headphones. I couldn't hear the laptop w/o them. It sure was nice to watch TV while using the bike. And it was nice to not have commercials. Made the workout so much easier. I may have to do that more often. I didn't even work out hardcore but I got sweat on the back of my shirt and the front of my shirt.
It's hard to tell but it's near the gut
The back is more visible.
Then it was dinner time. But we didn't really have much food for me. So i had vegetables, cheese, and cookies. The vegetables had too much cauliflower.
One of the carrots was a "C"
That bowl was the entire bag of steamfresh veggies and I ate it all.
I stayed in my gross workout clothes more to watch a movie. I got comfy and then fell asleep. I fell asleep around 10. I knew I would. Now I have to find time to finish watching that movie. I think it was called Resolution Road or something like that.
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