I got to work early because I had so much work to do. I got there around 7:30.
I wore a new skirt today. I even curled my hair.
here is a picture from the back to show some skirt detail. It also shows the side detail a little that my arm covered in the picture above.
Then I get to work to find out I have a meeting I didn't know about from 9-10:30.
At least my all day meeting changed to a half day meeting and then changed to a 90 minute meeting. That was from 10:30-12. It did run 10 minutes over though.
Then I had another meeting from 1-3.
Then i had to process issues and get out a report before leaving.
I wanted to leave my desk at 4 to go to the gym to run 3.5 miles and then go to body pump.
I wanted to have enough time to catch my breath after running since last time it did not work and last time I had to cut my run .25 short.
Well I left my desk 5 minutes late. I ran faster than I planned on and then I had a few minutes to catch my breath before body pump. I did wish I had 2 more minutes at least, but I survived.
I ran 3.5 miles in 32:30. Then Body Pump was an hour long. There was maybe 5 minutes between running and pump. I used to that set up my weights for pump. I maybe only had 30 seconds to spare and I drank water during that time.
Throughout all of working out, I drank a full 20 oz cup except a little ice. Then I refilled it and drank it all except maybe 2 oz.
When I got to the gym, my feet hurt.
This is what my new shoes did to them.
The bandaid is from the shoes on Tuesday.
I was able to leave all the weights the same and even increased the amount I use for back.
On the way home I went to target to buy skirt hangers at Target. I bought a few other things.
I did not buy thigh highs because Target thigh highs are the worst. I've gone through 3 pairs. The first time I made it to the 2nd time I wore them. The 2nd and third pair got huge runners on the first time I wore them. I still have 2 got thigh highs left but am too afraid to wear them.
This is what happened on Tuesday. I felt my leg brush the table. I look down a few seconds later and see this. I slid my skirt up a little to show how it went up more than just a little
I got McD's on the way home. I only got me a large Fry because I had food at home. I ate the soup Dave bought Monday instead of the leftover raviolis. I knew Dave wouldn't appreciate the reheated sauce. Then I had some Dibella's cookies that Nicole brought last night
By this time it's been awhile since I worked out.
Then I loaded my numbers a little and got a shower.
We watched Desperate Housewives and American Idol while I did a little work and while I read some of facebook. I'm still way behind on facebook though.
It's about bedtime but I still have a few things that I want to do on my computer upstairs.
I need to figure out what I'm wearing to work tomorrow. I go to Mars Middle School to present. Then right after work I go to the NA-YGN Skate Party. I guess I should take jeans to change into. I also have to be at work by about 8:15 tomorrow.
At least tomorrow is Rest Day for my training plan. I never planned to skate at the skate party. 2 years ago we went and just hung out in the party room the entire time. That was good enough.
Dave won't even go.
Today at work I got three compliments on my outfit. One was by email and 2 in person. The one by email was based on a picture of me. Then I posted my Tuesday skirt and Today skirt pictures on facebook after someone asked where I got all my skirts from that I noted about earlier. I got quite a few compliments on there about my outfits. I think 1 got 3 and the other got 2. I'm not used to so many compliments but I like it.
Dave was sick today. Upset stomach. Poor guy.
I need another muscle picture for my icon. I probably won't get around to taking any pictures for months but still I'd like to have one.
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