Saturday, February 6, 2010

A day's worth of Twitter....

08:35:51 — @DaizyCh Timmy sent me a picture of this. i took pictures. i'll upload them later. I didn't measure how much we have.
08:37:17 — my back is sore and so are my triceps. the trainer said if our triceps aren't sore today then we didn't work hard enough. guess i did.
09:08:36 — I'm the only one shoveling. The rest are using snow blowers.
10:00:19 — 18" - 22" depending on where i put in the yard stick
10:00:37 — the neighbor is progressing faster than me. he shoveled last night though. i talked to him. first time ever.
10:01:38 — i can't find my battery charter or spare battery and my canon died while i was shoveling.
11:08:10 — the neighbor is shoveling much slower now.
13:01:52 — Just took a nice nap
13:47:05 — @TENroaches that is a great picture
13:53:09 — Getting ready to shovel in @polahbea's hat
14:41:09 — I just talked to the neighbor for a half hour. Different neighbor than last time.
17:26:15 — Saw a guy wreck into a snow drift/snow that was plowed to the edge of the road.
21:07:58 — I wore my new red dress tonight. I need more occasions to wear it. I even got a compliment on it.
21:42:30 — We're watching a movie. i said i wanted a snack. dave suggests popcorn or candy. i decide on vegetables.

You can find me as smilincolleen on Twitter.

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