Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Day's Worth of Twitter

08:53:43 AM - @iamoddd I think I am even though I was told I'm not. My eyes got worse after the picture.
01:59:04 PM - Dave couldn't find Poly. She was in my top drawer that was closed.
03:43:44 PM - i had my performance review. note I am not saying good things about it.
04:32:03 PM - To top off my work day my laptop doesn't fit in my new laptop bag.
05:33:50 PM - I was tested for cats before and not allergic. They may yes me for cat next time if I want. But have to be off medicine for a week.
07:35:40 PM - my Eye-fi card isn't uploading to picasa again.
07:37:31 PM - currently stressing about my 12 mile run with callie in 10 days (or so) and how i have to get there and then how to get my car.
07:50:57 PM - The pictures I'm uploading to picasa are going very slowly.
10:27:23 PM - @TracyMorganLove That's what I told them but I wanted to confirm if I was even tested for cats & dogs & I was. 4 years ago i was allergyless
11:20:06 PM - bedtime. body pump in the am. hopefully run in the evening. vet appt at 6. blog post 90% complete but will finish tomorrow.
11:25:44 PM - Poly sleeps all day and now thinks it's awake time.

You can find me as @smilincolleen on Twitter.

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