Monday, April 6, 2015


Ella woke up at 6. It was the first time she slept through the night since being sick. 6 was pretty early but she slept through the night so that was a win.
We played a bit. We woke Dave up near 7.
We drove Dave to work. Immediately after we went for a run.  It was a short run and was still tough since I'm still sick. I didn't even run home from Diana's but I walked.  Since we had talked so long outside Diana's, it was after 10 AM.  We got home and immediately left for the park for a meetup.
too bad my shadow ruins this hug picture
We stayed there a couple hours!  Ella saw her buddy, Gio. He didn't know we were coming so when he saw Ella he went up to her and gave her a kiss.

As soon as we got home, I fed Ella lunch then she fell asleep for a nap.  While she napped, I ate lunch then planned 2 cards for an upcoming Stampin' Up party.
Very shortly after Ella woke up we went to Gio's and Lily's. We got there and Lily was wearing the same shirt Ella was. I couldn't believe it!  Too bad it was so hard to get pictures of them showing off the shirts.

 We left there and walked home and I fed Ella some dinner. We ate super quickly then left to pick Dave up. We got dinner and more water on our way home.

We got home and ate a little then Ella wanted to go to sleep.

She didn't even cry in her crib. She was reading her book and went to sleep shortly after. She was so good.  I ate dinner then we watched Survivor and somehow it was 10:30 PM!

I'm shocked how on the go we were.