Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Marie and I ran at Shoreline. We were the only 2 that could make it from the mom's group. Both girls got in a mood and needed to be carried for a bit. We ran 3.25 miles, carried them for a bit, then ran .72 miles until the end.  Then they played a lot. Ella sat in the sand and just threw it on herself and her head. She's silly.  We didn't leave until closer to 11:30! Usually we are gone by 11.

Dave was home sick. We got home and Ella ate. Then we played. I couldn't believe it. She's never like that that long ever.

Then around 2 Ella slept in her crib!!!

Ella saw her car and wanted to go out so we went to the park in her car.  An hour sure flies at the park. It's almost like a workout for me.

I  went and got Panera for dinner. Ella stole half my bread. Then she ate about half my half a sandwich. Then she ate some of my soup. I was still starving after. Dave never shares his food with her. She always eats mine.

Then we played for a bit before bed.

I can't believe how pleasant she was.


  1. What a nice day for you guys :)

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