Thursday, January 3, 2019

25 Weeks (December)

I finally noticed being huge this pregnancy. My belly is getting in the way. I can't sit and lean and cross my legs. There just isn't enough room for the belly.  Getting up and down off the ground is harder.
I'm such a slacker at even loading the pictures onto my computer so then I have trouble actually posting these.

My wedding rings seem tight sometimes.

Ella felt the baby kick on the 27th.
Size of baby: Zucchini, 13.6 inches long from head to heel. My app on my phone says the baby weighs about 1.5 pounds.

Total Weight Gain/Loss:  11.6 lb gain overall. I gained 5.5 lbs in the past 2 weeks (I didn't have a weight measurement last week.)

Maternity Clothes:  I wear normal athletic pants most days and maternity tops. Some dresses are not maternity. 

Movement: I feel movement but feel like I barely feel anything. 

Sleep: Sleep has been a little better.  I'm not up as much peeing. 

What I miss: being able to easily bend to the ground to pick something up while I'm seated. 

Cravings: No

Aversions: No

Symptoms: Going to the bathroom a lot. Muscle cramps. Sometimes groin pain.

Best moment this week:

Looking forward to:  

Exercise:  I don't think I worked out at all. 

Same this time: No cravings and no aversions. Always going to the bathroom. I mentioned muscle cramps last time too.  The muscle cramp was mentioned a week earlier with Ella and didn't happen in week 25 though.

Different from last time: I haven't been sick this time and last time I was finally not that sick so that was good. I also seem to be sleeping more this time than the last 2 times.

25 Weeks with Ella
25 Weeks with Miles

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