Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Day's Worth of Twitter

01:07:21 AM - At Swig. It is packed with all conference people. I wonder how packed it normally is.
02:41:35 AM - It is weird how I still have to explain what Twitter is to so many people.
02:46:47 AM - What is wrong with this? RT @briecs: http://www.pittsburghcityliving.com/pigeonKnows.php WTF PITTSBURGH.
02:47:55 AM - Foursquare seems like too much work RT @mikecherepko: Just get foursquare RT @SmilinColleen: At the gym
02:51:35 AM - probably lots of people. RT @TracyMorganLove: I wonder if anyone else takes Random swigs of alcohol from the bottle?
02:54:12 AM - I like where it has you biking over water. RT @mikecherepko: I zoomed 15 miles today, so I have more biking confidence. http://bit.ly/do6vkZ
03:06:30 AM - goodnight all. i just realized my camera clock will be 3 hours off. sad times.
10:04:14 AM - Don't forget to vote in PA
03:18:41 PM - Food sucks. Veggies are spicy. Meat cold. http://twitpic.com/1oxsmp
04:19:21 PM - @TENroaches I don't understand how refrigerator cold is appropriate.
04:21:24 PM - The cheesecake tasted good and I don even like cheesecake. http://twitpic.com/1oycen
05:13:26 PM - Stupi lack of service earlier drained my battery. Less than 20% and still 4 more hours until possible break to charge.

You can find me as @smilincolleen on Twitter.

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