I set my alarm for 7:30. I changed it multiple times. I sort of got up at 8. Then I sat at my computer until about 8:40. I kept debating working out. I did some work and checked some emails. Before I knew it, it was 9:40. I wanted to go to the gym but I hated that it cost 12 bucks to go. Also I hated treadmill running. And a third reason was I didn’t know when Melanie would be up and ready to go sight-seeing.
I had signed up for late checkout at 2pm and yet the maid comes at 9am to clean my room. It makes no sense.
The picture is before I had to add the shoes. |
I talked to Jessie and she gave me an idea of getting a workout in my room. I started tha but learned I would meet Melanie at 11. I only got 15 minutes of a workout in but I figured the Blaster Videos our gym had for awhile were 15 minutes so I was ok. I did jumping jacks, crunches, squats, lunges, planks, pushups, wall squat hold, and dips.
Then I showered and packed up all my stuff. I was ready early, as always but then I get distracted and almost meet them late. Luckily others were later. There were 5 of us. Rob, Dan, Melanie, Nicole, and myself. Rob had gotten a rental car. He was staying a few days and meeting with his girlfriend so I guess it worked out well. I actually almost forgot to pack my shoes since they were still on the floor. I had to really squeeze to get the suitcase to zip.
Pictures looking at the street would look nicer. |
We first went to Lombard Street. Then we went to the Full House house and then the other seen at the park from the opening song. We had someone take our picture like we were having a picnic. She was angled a little off so it’s not exactly the same. I still have to get that picture from Nicole. Then it was off to the Golden Gate Bridge. We crossed the bridge and took picture. Then we came back and paid 6 bucks for the toll but then the little fast track thing in the car also beeped so we think we got charged 5 bucks for that too. Expensive bridge to cross for us.
Rob says he will photoshop in his friends. |
Alamo Square (we got an awesome group shot on Nicole's Camera but I don't have it yet) |
Perfect Parallel Parking Job |
The security line wasn’t long at all. I got in line while Melanie and Nicole checked their luggage. They took awhile but made it to the line. After I was in line for awhile, they opened the 2nd metal detector line and a bunch of people go to go to that so then by the time I was through the line Nicole was only 20 seconds behind me and Melanie a few seconds behind her. We did a little shopping for souvenirs and to see what kinds of snacks to buy. It took so long that by the time we got to the gate, they were boarding my section.
I slept the first hour on the flight. Then I ate a bunch of twizzlers that I bought and started typing this blog. Then I continued to blog and type my conference notes.
At 6:55 I had to put my laptop to sleep because the battery got too low. I thought my only choices were to read or sleep because I forgot gameboy. Well I opened my bag to get out my book and saw my Ken Ken book so I did that.
At 7:02 I turned on the light to do Ken Ken and the light sure was bright. The 2 people beside me were watching the movie. I felt like a jerk with my bright light.
7:14 finished my first puzzle
7:10 I got a sprite "before landing"
My light keeps going on and off. At first I thought all of the lights were but it is just mine. Sometimes it goes off for a minute and is only on for 10 seconds.
At 7:20 they announced we will arrive in Pittsburgh in 1 hour
7:25 finished a puzzle
7:35 finished a puzzle
7:40 finished a puzzle
7:47 finished a puzzle
7:50 someone was playing a game or something and it beeped and it was super annoying. I was snacking on my goldfish. I dropped one.
10:58 (or per timeline 7:58) announced 18 minutes until landing (which is early) and that it was 57 degrees in Pittsburgh.
My ears sure bothered me on this descent.
It took forever to get to the car or at least felt that way. As soon as I got to the car I had to go to the bathroom. I held it until I got home at least :)
I got home and Dave woke up to tell me hi. I started to put a few things away and get my backpack ready for tomorrow. I uploaded my numbers from gowear which are way confusing because of staying up late and then also the 3 hour time difference.
All pictures on my camera are on here but I took a few on my iPhone so I will upload those in a few days so be sure to check back.
(I also have a post for yesterday but I may wait for that until I type more conference stuff.)
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