But since I was up so late (plus only sleeping 5 hours the previous night), I was really tired in the morning. I allowed myself to reset my alarm and sleep in a bit. I still hit snooze some too. I still got to work by 8 which is better than a lot of people.

Dave and I went to Moe's for lunch. Then after lunch, I meant to do real work, but only did emails. I think I still had 110 unread emails when I left.
I left at 3:30 to go run with Jen. That means I'll have time to make up later this week. I do that without even trying.
After the run, I analyzed the data while a purring Poly sat on my lap. I wanted to get up and do some stuff but I just couldn't disrupt her.
After Dave got home, I ate dinner and we watched In Treatment. Then we began finalizing our menu for our Christmas Party. I ended up with 6 cookbooks around me. While menu planning we had on MSNBC and then I couldn't turn it off. I had to pry myself away at 10:30. At least after menu planning, I loaded the dishwasher and cleaned up a bit. Now the main floor isn't a wreck. It isn't neat but it isn't a wreck. Hopefully it only gets better as the week goes on instead of getting worse.
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